Hi to you all.. I'ts so nice to hear you love this place also. I want to say I think maybe write something wrong in my last pages here. My sister and me we have english friends we meet from school exchanges here in Czech and we make emails with there help and my sisters friend she see out photos from holadyas in san stefanos and she tell me about these pages to look at because she noews how much we love to have our familt times together here. It help me a lot to learning to write, this is what I mean when I write I am studying here. I sorry if I say wrong way!!
I try to look at these pages and anser but it take me long time to put on here what I want to say from papaer! My sister is little bigger than me and she have her friend come to see us- her name is Gemma and she show us how to look for these pages so we can show everyone to come to san stafanos and Corfu.
I relly hopes that lots of persons will see this beutiful place and love it like me and my familt. We try to get Gemma and her friends to come in summer so we can all have good times together. Sorry for so much writings but I love how it is here and that this pages are very good to show everyone how they can come too and see. Emilia