Welcome to San Stefanos (NW Corfu) > Where to eat out in San Stefanos?

FORUM MEMBERS MEETING September - October 2010 at Ozzie Oils

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That's quite a compliment from Jules Jimbo. say 10.00-10:30-ish? As marks out of 5 go quite something!

Funny funny funny - but lucky you - 2 more weeks in SS

Thanks to all for kind comments.

For research purposes I have just emailed Thomsons to ask if it is possible for me to take some carrier pigeons on the flight to Corfu from Doncaster - pointing out that there are lots of pigeon fanciers in Yorkshire who might be tempted by this opportunity. And in the UK as a whole there are 60,000! I will report any replies.

We could elevate SS into the pigeon-launching Cape Canaveral of the Mediterranean! It would be kind to let them start with a bit of altitude, so I suggest the Romanza as the launch centre. You can see the video in your mind - loads of beautiful birds at dawn pecking their way through piles of toast and Kumquat jam around the pool, and then a quick burst of "Play Bouzouki" on the stereo and they're off, winging their way into misty early morning light, over Mithraki and towards Italy on their long journey to Barnsley.

Some birds may like SS so much they'll leave their roosts and come back to SS year after year. Never heard of that before!

Oh - just got a reply from Thomsons saying it could be up to 14 days before they can answer my question because of huge email traffic. Aye oop - even teenage pigeons demand a netbook these days. 

Thomson's Customer Service must have been upgraded then, but I hear all replies are now sent by Pigeon Post - watch out for any droppings!
No wonder they take so long!!

i ask is aqueouis bar & glenns same place?
Going tomorrow morning so off to bed soon as up early
can't wait


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