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Bristle Boy:

--- Quote from: lilly on July 14, 2010, 08:13:49 PM ---Bristleboy, do you tip when just ordering a couple of drinks at the bars? I always feel like I have to, hubby thinks that I am too generous, I am just a big softie.

--- End quote ---

I suppose the Q i would ask is - Do you tip at home when you go to a pub and order a couple of drinks at the bar? For most of us, in most cases i guess the answer would be "No". So why do it on holiday?
If i'm sat at a table outside a bar and the barperson comes to take the order then i'll tip when settling the bill. When we used Three W bar in June for pre-dinner drinks we tipped Anna because she came to take our order, would stop for a few mins to chat and was just generally great at making us feel welcome. If the bill was 5.50 euros, for example, i'd leave a 50 cent tip; if it was say 9 euros i'd just handover a 10 euro and leave.
If i'm sat at a bar on hols, then i'm just getting served as i would at home in my local, so i don't tip on these occasions.

Thanks for that Bristle, it makes alot of sense because  we would not tip at home just for a couple of drinks. However, if they go out of their way to make you feel welcome then a small tip would be a nice gesture.

All thats makes great sense, service above the norm deserves a little thank you.  In Uk I normally have to queue at a bar than get handed my drinks - try to find a table and that's if I'm lucky, then its normally dirty and sticky from previous occupiers, mind you I do come from London!!!! Mite be different in other towns, cities etc.......

Thanks everybody.
Will go with what we do usually - round up a bar bill and settle for 10ish% plus a little more on meals. I think we'll tip the maid a little each day - it worked wonders in America so that's sorted. Having children who have "waitered their way" through college and uni and have relied on their tips I think we are prob over generous but I do like to recognise good service.
Thanks again
Roll on the 6th from little ol' Exeter!

I agree with all that, but tipping in an A/I Hotel is to get priority or extra service, as in Egypt,
This wouldn't work in San Stefanos quite the same way.
Tipping in a bar in San Stef - I only tip if a waiter service, or the service is v/good overall!
If I have to get my own drinks and I like the barman/maid, I give a small tip like Bristol Boy!
For meals out - I do tip, but down to personal choice and common sense, go with your instincts!


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