You’re absolutely right Yiannis.
This topic was started by Rover, a Newbie, requesting info on the Romanza breakfast, but has escalated out of all proportion and descended into chaos.
Some members just cannot see and understand the repartee that goes on between other forum members who have become good friends through their meetings in SS (as we have).
Some humourless members can’t read between the lines, can’t understand “tongue in cheek” remarks and appear to treat everything far too seriously. Others appear to want to have a say on all topics simply to boost their “posts”
Banter plays its part on the forum and without it about 70-80% of the postings would disappear.
To date this topic has been read 1123 times with only one detrimental posting on the breakfasts.
So Rover, the ayes have it in this case, go to The Romanza Hotel and enjoy your breakfasts.