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Prices in San Steffanos

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Prices are OK - you will be able to get sloshed without breaking the bank for sure - - LOL!!

anyone who has just got back, notice the price of ciggies now.

we were there in may and prices had not gone up but Aspa Sam and his Dad told us it was gonna happen very soon - we go back on sept 17th - just wondered if they gone up ???


p.s this is not an excuse for all you anti smokers (mentioning no names) to start either !!!!!!!! lol

Paulene Dean:
Think we paid about 38 euros for 200 in the supermarket - tho can't be 100% as hubby went and got them

At the end of june or beginning of july everybody was putting up their cigarette prices. No idea from € or to €.

Aaaaah! so glad I don't smoke and never have, an extra holiday every year,
no yellow lungs, no yellow wallpaper and ceiling, no smelly house, no smelly clothes,
and no wacking great bill at the shops!! LOL

(Ok - I know!! p-leeeeese don't do a chain of replies - smokers need it or enjoy it and will anyway!)
I don't want to start another post war - - - but hey!!  it was fun to say it!!  LOL


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