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Spooky Hotel

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One of the members had pictures on facebook, inside shots - just like things were dropped as they were,
and people ran out - weird!

We met a couple last week that told us they took photo,s of it last year and not one of them came out
all there other photo,s were fine,how spooky is that ??? ???

I'm taking two video cameras with me. If the video doesn't come out and I vanish, stock jockey will be delighted, and I'll be in some vague afterlife demanding Kumquat marmalade.

Sandra W:

--- Quote from: Jimbo on September 06, 2010, 01:38:11 AM ---I'm taking two video cameras with me. If the video doesn't come out and I vanish, stock jockey will be delighted, and I'll be in some vague afterlife demanding Kumquat marmalade.

--- End quote ---

Stockjockey will churn in his/her market. Why won't he/she go and let Tony buy him/her a drink? If I was he/she/it (decide your own title) I would go and meet Tony even if only to show I had the face to. Then again I've never been a cyber bully.


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