Welcome to San Stefanos (NW Corfu) > Where to eat out in San Stefanos?

Where we ate

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We ate at the following places during our recent stay - not in any particular order.

Mythica - twice - and both times the food was gorgeous. I had the Sofrito both times and would say it was the best in the village. The first time we went the service was a little slow - don't know why but the food more than made up for it.

Olympia - twice- both times the food was as good as ever and this place will always be one of our favourites .

Ozzy Oils - 3 times - Food and the ambience of Ozzy Oils will always be second to none. Ate here on our last night with 2 other couples as well and the hospitality from Kerry and Nicos was 2nd to none as ever. The mash is simply gorgeous as is all the food served here . The garden setting is wonderful as well .

Zorbas - twice - Great food and a wonderful atmosphere with the Greek dancing as well.

Little Prince - twice - Roy had the Steak Sizzler both times and he said it was even better than last years. The dancing was good and the young boy lapped up his deserved applause  - had breakfast here most mornings as well.

2 Star - twice - Food was good both times and always had a great welcome from the owners. Tried here this year after having had a not so good meal a couple of years ago but the food was much better this year and will go again next year.

Teresa - once - This is where we always stay and the food was as good as anywhere else. We don't normally eat here in the evening as we like to venture out into the village. Most days we had lunch here though after lounging by the glorious pool.

All in all the food this year was very good and we couldnot fault any establishment we went in.

We had milshakes in the Akrotiri Bar on the headland and they were the best in the village with the wonderful views from here as well.

The juice bar was a daily place to visit for the various juices and smoothies and they helped towards our 5 a day as well. The different combinations of fruits meant you could have a different one each day if you so wished.

We cannot wait to do it all over again next September.

(All the above were posted just to say where we ate and are not in any way saying one was better than the other or better than any we didnot visit)

Bristle Boy:
As a few of the regulars have mentioned on here before - we all have different tastes.

I really can't work out why people go on about the Little Prince - the food is v.ordinary. As for Ozzie Oils, again nothing special. 2 restaurants we definitely won't bother with again, when we return to SS, probably in 2012.

For us the best is Mythica, followed by Olympia and Beachcomber and then Zorbas- hope Beachcomber sorted out the dessert issue from earlier in the season! ;)

Sandra W:
It would be so boring if we all liked the same. I always find the most hyped ones the most disappointing. I would never say this is the best/worst.
The criteria used by people is too personal. How many choose the best as the one that their "friends " run?
Then people choose their "best" because circumstance, company whatever made it memorable on that particular day. This clouds judgement.

I agree that the best taverna in San Stefanos title is down to personal opininion.This is a view I have held for a long time and can be applied to most things in life.Comments made many years ago by a world expert on wines endorsed my views.He was asked which in his opinion was the worlds best wine.His answer was,one you enjoy drinking.If you apply this to the tavernas of San Stefanos,just because you do not like a certain taverna does not necessary make it a bad one.The reverse of this is that taverna you think is the best is purely your opinion and may or may not be held by others.
Lots of things colour a persons choice.Food quality is high on the list but not necessary the top priority.The overall ambience of the place is equally important and we all have different ideas about this.
You all know which hotel and taverna is my own personal choice,but once again the key word is personal.I do not expect everyone to agree with me.As Sandra said what a boring place it would be if we all held the same opinions.

Quite right. If we all liked only one place, nobody would get in!

As I said about a hundred years ago, the best Mousaka I've had in Greece was in Sparta, with Little Prince a close second. Certainly by far the best Mousaka in SS!

It depends what you choose. It's not an exact science.


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