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I kindly didn't mention Tony's teeny mythological slip. But then I'm not a ravening Harpie or one of the Furies. Leave him alone, girls. Have some respect for the elderly and mentally infirm.

It was more of a pun, not a slip and not intended to be factual,
merely a play on words.

Actually the name Methuselah is commonly used to refer to any living creature reaching great age, (Jimbo for example).
It was also used in the Hebrew Bible, accordinging to Sorce as the oldest mentioned person in that particular book.

Medusa was a Gorgon, in Greek Mythology. A late version of the Medusa myth, related by the Roman poet Ovid (Metamorphoses 4.770), Medusa was originally a beautiful, ravishing maiden, "the jealous aspiration of many suitors," priestess in Athena's temple, but when she and the "Lord of the Sea" Poseidon lay together in Athena's temple, (not Hotel), the enraged Athena transformed Medusa's beautiful hair to serpents and made her face so terrible to behold that the mere sight of it would turn onlookers to stone.
The only cure in those days was Kumquat Jam, (Receipe below), Today we use Botox to transform our faces to "Stone".

Please note no mention, comparison or link to the above, was made to any living soul working in any Hotel in San Stefanos!



500 g cumquats (de-seed and chop finely), around 3 cups full.
1 cup water
4 cups castor sugar


1. Prepare kumquats, half fruit and remove seeds, chop coarsely or slice thinly (Can be put through food processor).
2.  Combine chopped kumquats, water, (and equivilant of:Sure Jel if you wish). 
3.  Add sugar and bring to a boil and reduce, (until it cannot be stirred down). 
4.  Continue to boil for one minute. Pour into sterile jars and seal.

Microwave method
Place fruit and water in deep bowl and microwave (650 watt) for 10 minutes.
Add sugar.
Cook on high for 12 minutes.
Stir every 4 minutes.
Let stand to cool, Pour into sterile jars and seal.

Or Get some from Romanza - it'll be nicer!!

You deffo need to store in Kilner jars!

Store - - no way - - - eat!!

How many have tried the genuine Romanza Kumquat Jam? It's not available to all.


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