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Aquarius Bar

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Agree with everything you say Lilly must agree that some of the worst behaviour we have seen abroad have been Brits one occasion was in Cuba where they deported him back to England on the first available flight as they did the Canadian he was fighting with no messing there

Have to agree wih Joan. This year there were lots of Italians on the beach in very large groups which is not a problem....unless they camp right beside you. BUT as Joan says there was very little evidence of them anywhere in the village at night. I was there for five weeks and ate out / visited many bars every night and did not see them anywhere. I spoke to many of the bar owners and they were all saying that the Italians bring their own food etc with them. Whilst I do take the point that SS is not just there for the Brits I do wish that for the sake of the village everyone would put something back into th eeconomy and not just use the beach.

stressed, with respect, the whole idea of an holiday is that you can for a week or two do has you please, an holiday is a time to relax and do what suits you, it is not about anyone else, that is why people refer to it has ' my/our holiday'. It is not up to others to dictate where one should spend their money or how long you should spend on a sunbed.
If the Italians or anyone else for that matter wish to bring their own food then surely that is up to them. Would you dream of telling  someone which make of car they should buy or perhaps which pubs or supermarkets they should visit when they are in their home land, I doubt that you would. It is personal preference and nothing to do with anyone else. They don't need to provide evidence of eating in the taverna's, they are on holiday, their holiday.
The whole point of an holiday for most is to escape the rat race for a week or two and do exactly what you wish to do.
To be honest nobody should be sitting in judgement of how others choose to spend their holidays.
The bottom line is that it is nobody's business but their own.
SS/other resorts belong to anyone who chooses to go no matter what their culture or creed or how they choose to spend their time/money, it is not about how many times you have been there, how much money that you have spent. It is not a competition.
Personally I would not be spending my holiday discussing that the Italians bring their own food because I would be to busy enjoying my holiday, life is too short for hostilities towards others.
This on the whole is a brilliant/friendly forum but I think at times some of the comments on here could actually deter people from visiting.
Just my opinion of course.


When our children were young we would holiday in France, either camping in a trailer tent or in a self catering Pierre et Vacances apartment if we were skiing.
Having scraped together the money for the basic holiday, I have to admit we did pack up the car with food as everything always seemed sooooo expensive in France (except the wine of course).
We rarely ate out and even this year when we skied we did the same as we knew that the small shops would be very expensive and that paying €5.50 for a coffee on the mountain would eat into our budget pdq!
Having said that it is so, so much nicer in Corfu as we are able to eat out every night...what a luxury compared to cooking on the tent stove.
We did however take the basics with us on both visits this year and we simply can't afford to eat lunch out every day too.
I guess we all do what we have to do moneywise so we can access a few weeks of well deserved relaxation!

Sandra W:
Aquarius Bar ......................................... It may have slipped peoples notice but it has no sunbeds but sells drinks and snacks and is run by a brilliant family and attracts friendly customers. Just a nice politely put across thought.


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