Hi All. Returned a short while ago from our holiday in the Mythos. Our fear over the overbooking did not materialise and we got our accomodation as booked. Had reservations about posting this report, because we loved the accomodation so much last year. Unfortunately, and this is our opinion only, we did not enjoy it as much this year. We found the housekeeping to be sadly lacking, and the gardens etc had an air of neglect. Badly needed the grass cut. The other guests as last year were lovely people, and we thoroughly enjoyed our chats and laughs around the pool. It still has the feeling of a large villa, never overcrowded, but the pool although cleaned by "grandad" every morning had that greasy feel to the water and sides and it looked murky compared to a lot of the pools around the resort that we saw. Mythos still has a lot of advantages, but sadly the disadvantages outweighed the advantages for us for another booking.
We enjoyed San Stef and if we had returned we would have most probably gone to the Kapetanious, of which we spent a day at their pool and thought the whole complex was beautiful, the staff were friendly and accommodating and it was so clean. As last year we walked to Arillas, and this time we had a good look around and on returning home, compared the prices for the Kapetanious and Arillas. We did love the look and feel of Arillas, and therefore because we got a brilliant price for the Mirage and used our £50 TC voucher, have just booked it. The owners kindly showed us around one of their studios, answered any queries we had in a most friendly manner, and on chatting to some guests who had nothing but praise for the complex, we are really looking forward to next year, but will certainly be walking around to San Stef a few times.