Hi Cerys
Returned from San Stef on Monday and was reading July's edition of The Voice, a South East Wales entertainment magazine, whilst waiting for my Indian take-out and there's an article about whether members of the public are looking forward to the Olympics or not and one of the interviewees is you. The article says that you live in Abergavenny and won't be watching the games. There's no mention of Corfu or Greece but I'm 100% sure its you - unless there's another Cerys Roberts. You may want to get a member of your family to save a copy.
In the same magazine there's a photo on the inside page advertising the Indian Cottage in Penhow and I'm in that with my family out for my sons birthday back in March (I'm the bald guy with glasses on the far right).
I came into your office last week to exchange money and get some info on trips. Again I was the big bald Welsh guy with glasses. Mind you there were a lot of big bald guys around so you may not recall.
It's a small world.