I wouldn't mind if they didn't tell lies or omit certain "facts." For example, Norman Lamb - Health Minister who claims to have given up smoking a week ago! - says smoking-related illness (which is anything from a broken leg to a broken heart if you smoke) costs the NHS £2.7 billion per year. He fails to mention that UK revenue from tobacco tax and duty was £11.1 billion in 2011.
I'm not supporting smoking. I'm an addict. I hope young people will not start to smoke. But - if the government invested some of the vast tax money it receives from smokers into R&D on things like better electronic cigarettes (because, honestly, they just don't feel right currently) instead of waging a war against something that is legal, then perhaps we could see a way forward.
It may be hard for non-smokers to understand, but I hope some will see that there is a massive hypocrisy in taking vast amounts of tax whilst also condemning the activity. A real smoke-free future has to be an honest one. Taxes will have to rise to compensate for the loss of revenue. All happy with that?