Absolutely right, Andy.
There is definitely life outside of London.
Just got back from a wonderful gig at the Pave wine-bar, two minutes down the road from us. Stuart MacCallum is probably the best jazz/rock guitarist in the UK at the moment, and as he's a buddy of Gillie's son Dan, who is also an excellent professional guitarist, great to give him a hug after another night of excellent music.
Not to mention that he had a great Irish singer with him tonight - she has a powerful but controlled voice - and the special food offers were Irish themed.
Tickets (OAP) concessions cost £5.00. Small Irish stew (not that small) cost £4.50 Same for other options. Eating not at all compulsory, but no need for roasts today without grandchildren!
This little to spend an evening with a great international artist amongst many friends? An equivalent night in London would have been at least £50. And it would probably have taken and hour or more to get home.
Frankly, I don't miss a lot about London.
Here's a link for Stuart: