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Cost of flights

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It could be that the days of ridiculously cheap flights are over. Let's face it, it was daft that you could fly a thousand miles for £20 if you were lucky.

I just checked what it would cost me to go to London and back tomorrow by rail: £229 - that's a 186 mile each way journey. Corfu is about 1,300 miles each way.

Mile for mile - that's 2,600 divided by 372 times 229 - the price for Corfu should be about £1,600

We have lived, I think, through a ridiculous period of unrealistic air fares.

Bristle Boy:

--- Quote from: Jimbo on November 28, 2012, 01:11:25 AM ---It could be that the days of ridiculously cheap flights are over. Let's face it, it was daft that you could fly a thousand miles for £20 if you were lucky.

I just checked what it would cost me to go to London and back tomorrow by rail: £229 - that's a 186 mile each way journey. Corfu is about 1,300 miles each way.

Mile for mile - that's 2,600 divided by 372 times 229 - the price for Corfu should be about £1,600

We have lived, I think, through a ridiculous period of unrealistic air fares.

--- End quote ---

I'm afraid you're comparing apples & pears there Jimbo.

Most air routes have competition in the form of a number of airlines.
Rail lines in UK - only one co. operates each route between two points.

But yes air travel did get v cheap mainly due to increased competition in last 10 years, now correcting itself somewhat.

I believe that the reason the cost of  Thomsons flights are so high is simply they want to fill their flights with package holidaymakers.They are very concerned that they are being undercut by the rise in direct bookings.This being the case they have no intention of cutting their own throats by offering cheap flights.They will only offer cheap flights last minute to avoid empty seats.Check their prices for last minute winter flights.
As for the argument that rising prices in the airline industry are the reason for Thomsons prices I do not agree.I base this on the fact I fly from Newcastle to Dubai with Emirates .An airline that is among the best in the world.For my money(420 pounds/head) I get an A/I package of food ,drink & inflight entertainment plus a luggage allowance of 30kg/person .Compare this withThomson flight from Newcastle to Corfu on the 21st June my holiday date.No entertainment or food at a cost of 461 pounds/head with 20 kg of luggage.Some people may not agree but that is why I am driving twice the distance to Manchester to fly Easy Jet.Granted the return flight does not arrive in Manchester till 0100 HRS.I have got around this problem of a 2.5 hrs overnight drive by staying at an airport hotel overnight.This include 15nights car parking and a full English breakfast for  my wife & I.All this at a total cost of 450 pounds which is half the price Thomsons want to charge me.
This is why I book direct.Our total cost of 2 weeks at the Romanza including taxi transfer is 950 pounds.The last time I checked Thomsons package it was in excess of 1300 pounds plus 50 pounds to park the car.
I fully understand that everyone does not have access to easyjet due to their location but I stiil consider the 400 pound saving well worth the extra 70 mile drive.
The added bonus of the overnight stay is I no longer need to have a quiet last day in preparation for the overnight drive.

Jet2 from Leeds/Bradford £181 pp round trip in July is not bad - that's with 22kg luggage

Not bad Jimbo less than a return flight from Corfu - Athens which is a 35 mins flight before we consider anywhere else as an onwards flight...... :-[ :-[ :'(


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