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Smoking in Tavernas

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No Jim... but you always consider others... Gentleman Jim...
Unlike the chain smoking arse at lunch today...

No one seems to mention it is illegal to smoke in various establishments in Greece.

Yes - INSIDE - not in the open air. Just like here.

It's always been my experience that people have to WANT to give up smoking before they are successful in doing so.  30 years ago I smoked, had a non-smoking boyfriend and I managed to give up for myself and him by going cold turkey.  I have never had a cigarette since.

Like Tony the smoke affects my breathing as I have asthma and I hate the smell.  I would and do, move away from it even out in the open.

I try to be tolerant as Everyone has a view and a conflicting right.
Everyone's on holiday (most anyway), but if I struggle to breathe I have to walk away.
It's not to often, or I ask them to try and direct smoke away.
Last night a girl lit up on the next table, took one puff & held the cigarette up so it blew directly on me,
So I had to tell her. Why light a fag and n o t smoke it.... she only had two puffs...
The rest burnt out over everyone else... otherwise everyone tries to respect each other.
Very smoky in Thomas bay.......


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