Author Topic: Whats happenin'  (Read 1562856 times)

Offline rilo57

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1605 on: November 18, 2017, 12:12:55 PM »
Reading what ABTA has to say isent a very hard case to represent the quad problem.8 incidents over 8 years and 2 not even in Greece.
I do think that insurance is mandatory,and safety gear should be more strikt..
I wonder if facts were published regarding hospital admitions regarding drink problems,how they would compare.

Offline Jimbo

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1606 on: November 18, 2017, 02:11:39 PM »
Ten years ago, 1,200 patients were admitted to hospital in the UK after quad bike accidents. By 2002 - the last year for which data is available - the figure was more than 4,200.

Every summer thousands of quad bikes are rented to young people who have never driven one of the infernal machines before and who have never driven in Greece before. These horrible machines are very unstable, have no safety belt and the roads round Zante are nothing short of a nightmare. Every summer HUNDREDS of young people have accidents. If you extrapolate across all of the resorts in Spain and Greece, the numbers jump to THOUSANDS. The casualty rate for people who rent quad bikes is a simply astonishing 25%. That is ONE IN FOUR! One in every four people who rent a quad bike will have an accident and hurt themselves. Also, if you have an accident, you will usually incur damage to the bike, which you will receive a hefty bill for. They have your passport and you will basically be extorted out of several hundred euro, it’s a well known racket. This money would be far better spent on something enjoyable like a nice cold beer or a Woo Woo on the beach.

A quad bike accident in Taupō on Saturday night left one person dead and another with moderate injuries, bringing the number of deaths from quad bikes this year to 14, a record for a single year.

The former director of Lincoln University's Telford campus, Charley Lamb, said the deaths were occurring as a result of crush injuries, which research showed roll bars would prevent.

"Very few bikes have roll over protection, which of course they should do. Whether people want to debate that and argue that, they can. But they used to do the same about safety frames on tractors and they did the same about seatbelts in cars."

"There's no doubt that roll over protection on quads will stop crush injuries and stop deaths. It won't stop injuries."
Radio Newzealand
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 02:18:47 PM by Jimbo »

Offline rilo57

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1607 on: November 19, 2017, 08:50:59 PM »
Dont see whats relevant...again stats from different can do this with any kind of transport..better ban cycleists in london.more serious accidents there...all boils down to the competence of the you said yourself Jim,it wasent for many of the accidents with the younger drivers,im sure alcohol will have some influence..

Offline Jimbo

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1608 on: November 19, 2017, 09:32:23 PM »
Rilo - I'm completely neutral about this. Just pointing out that when George said it was rubbish that quads can be dangerous, they are internationally thought to be dangerous. Not all ATVs are legal to drive on roads in the UK, for safety reasons.

Offline rilo57

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1609 on: November 20, 2017, 12:45:36 AM »
Agree Jimbo,any form of transport can be lethal in the wrong hands..Take a walk around Amsterdam and try and avoid all the crazy cycleists...

Offline Tredegar Boy

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1610 on: February 23, 2018, 11:26:22 AM »
Here's what ABTA has to say:

I have never ridden a scooter or motorbike - seen too many tourists who've removed a lot of skin when falling off. I did hire a quad in Agios Stefanos this year, but hated it and gave it back after three days. I didn't feel at all in control of it. I've owned and driven some very powerful sports cars in my time, I've driven thousands of miles over very dangerous African roads, but the quad was the only vehicle that's ever scared me.

That's the root of the concern: people who would never hire a scooter feel safe on a quad because it has four wheels. It's not as safe as one assumes, particularly (I read) when cornering or accelerating hard. Apart from the fact that the automatic gearbox was "snatchy" and prone to jerks when starting off, I found the steering remarkably un-positive and inclined to veer at the slightest pothole. You are an experienced quad-rider - I'm not, and I'm probably more typical.

I have to agree with Jimbo. Driven a quad once with my brother-in-law. Very jerky and stiff handling to such an extent that my in-law cracked a wrist trying to control the thing. He didn't crash or have an accident it was just the effort required to drive it.

I was concerned throughout about overturning as they're very heavy.

Please note this was in the UK.
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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1611 on: March 04, 2018, 12:27:51 AM »
I admit I'm a serial quad hirer !
I'm also one that puts the little one on the front in front of me.
This was advice from Spiros who said my arms on the handlebars would cradle him

This summer will be the first time we can't do this as he will now be too big to see round.

I drive very carefully. We only really stay in and around the village on it and I use it to get about to harbour and up to Romanza which is sometimes impossible with a 5yo especially in the heatwave we had last summer! I think the furthest we went was a very steady drive to 7th Heaven and also up to Afionas

I never take it out on a night

Offline Rod

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1612 on: March 05, 2018, 08:54:34 PM »
I am the same Gavlah.  We always hire a quad for two or three days but only go as far as Ag Georgis.  The scenery is fantastic and if you take it steady they are fine.  I now go for the bigger quad, it's great.


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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1613 on: March 05, 2018, 09:59:48 PM »
Yes Rod

Exercise caution going round sharp bends, beep your horn approaching blind bends and if some local (or Italian) nutter gets up my derriere I just pull in and let them past

Offline hippopots

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1614 on: March 10, 2018, 06:09:08 PM »
OK folks, spurred on by Sellsey's post about users of the forum, and the fact that not everyone uses facebook, thought it was time I got my a** in gear, and started posting some updates! I can't promise they'll be daily in Summer like before, as sometimes there just isn't the time for me to get out there and see what's happening around the village, but I'm hoping others will take up the reins abit when they're here on holiday  :)

So, Winter in Corfu has be not too cold, but very wet, with ( I was told by a friend) only 4 days in Feb that it didn't rain! But now we've come into March, it finally feels like Spring has sprung. There is blossom on the trees, lambs in the fields, and I heard my first scops owl of the year a few weeks ago.

We had some pretty violent storms too in February, so the beach took a little bit of a battering, and the stream wove it's was right along the beach in front of Waves Taverna. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure it will all be sorted by the time season begins.

And, yes, a few changes in the village this year. Sadly both Ozzy Oil and Captain Octopus are no longer with us. At the moment it looks like both premises may be empty, but you never know, sometimes placess suddenly become occupied, even as late as May, so we shall see.....

Yiannis Grill is moving across the road, from his premises opposite Athens Bar, to a much bigger location, next to Athens Bar, and to the side of Aspa, where Casablanca was years ago. Lots of work going on to prepare his new place. We had a little tour a few weeks ago, when Yiannis explained how it would all be laid out, and it sounds great!

Dimitra and Manos Car Hire have also moved, from next to Bar 38, into our old shop between Spiros Bikes and Express Supermarket, so some changes there too before they open.

Other than that, all has been quiet during the Winter, with just 3W's, El Greco, Express Market, and Town Pizza trading for us locals, but as the weather improves, and time marches ever closer towards Summer work will soon start on making sure everything is ready for your arrivals, so check back soon, I will do my best to post regular updates!!!  ;D

Offline WINKIE

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1615 on: March 10, 2018, 06:27:01 PM »
Great stuff, thanks Jackie for finding the time to post an update,see you in June lass. 8)
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Offline Sellsy

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1616 on: March 10, 2018, 09:25:17 PM »
Great to have an update Jackie, thanks....I do hope the vacant lots are taken, especially the Ozzie oil pitch as it is a nice garden al fresco  area, near three w’s also . Maybe a bit far out for some people?


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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1617 on: March 10, 2018, 11:02:09 PM »
I think it's a quiet spot Kev. Especially in the quieter months of May, June and Sept.
There's the Perros, Rose Garden and Jasmine up there so lots of passing trade.... when they are full I guess.

Offline H A S

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1618 on: March 11, 2018, 11:43:52 AM »
Jackie thank you for your update nice to see you back on here good luck for the coming season.

Offline Karen

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #1619 on: March 11, 2018, 05:01:21 PM »
Thanks Jackie for the update. I will do my little updates when we're out in July, as usual. Hope you have a fantastic season along with everyone else!


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