OK folks, spurred on by Sellsey's post about users of the forum, and the fact that not everyone uses facebook, thought it was time I got my a** in gear, and started posting some updates! I can't promise they'll be daily in Summer like before, as sometimes there just isn't the time for me to get out there and see what's happening around the village, but I'm hoping others will take up the reins abit when they're here on holiday

So, Winter in Corfu has be not too cold, but very wet, with ( I was told by a friend) only 4 days in Feb that it didn't rain! But now we've come into March, it finally feels like Spring has sprung. There is blossom on the trees, lambs in the fields, and I heard my first scops owl of the year a few weeks ago.
We had some pretty violent storms too in February, so the beach took a little bit of a battering, and the stream wove it's was right along the beach in front of Waves Taverna. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure it will all be sorted by the time season begins.
And, yes, a few changes in the village this year. Sadly both Ozzy Oil and Captain Octopus are no longer with us. At the moment it looks like both premises may be empty, but you never know, sometimes placess suddenly become occupied, even as late as May, so we shall see.....
Yiannis Grill is moving across the road, from his premises opposite Athens Bar, to a much bigger location, next to Athens Bar, and to the side of Aspa, where Casablanca was years ago. Lots of work going on to prepare his new place. We had a little tour a few weeks ago, when Yiannis explained how it would all be laid out, and it sounds great!
Dimitra and Manos Car Hire have also moved, from next to Bar 38, into our old shop between Spiros Bikes and Express Supermarket, so some changes there too before they open.
Other than that, all has been quiet during the Winter, with just 3W's, El Greco, Express Market, and Town Pizza trading for us locals, but as the weather improves, and time marches ever closer towards Summer work will soon start on making sure everything is ready for your arrivals, so check back soon, I will do my best to post regular updates!!!