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Brexit and all that rubbish

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The FTSE 100 is not a reliable indicator because it has loads of multinationals in it. The FTSE 250 is down significantly.

I don't wish to be told off for commenting here, as Gillie says, given the subject. For the last week I've been apologising to my Polish, French, Italian, Belgian, Greek and other friends, colleagues and clients for the xenophobic vote originating from the nasty Farage and his ex-BNP and Britain First members.

Still - it's going to take many years - possibly ten - to sort out trade deals. What was one is now legion. We will have to expand our Civil Service to do it. Of course, our Civil Service is not the same as the EU's Civil Service, normally called "bureaucracy" by the Brexit supporters. Unfortunately, at my age it's unlikely that I'll live to experience the paradise which I've been promised.


--- Quote from: gillie on June 30, 2016, 11:42:18 AM ---This topic is entitled "Brexit and all that rubbish"!  A lot of us have strong views. I would suggest if you are fed up with hearing people talk, discuss, appear confident that their view is the right one, etc that you don't view this topic!! Just a thought!

--- End quote ---

It's ok being confident your view is right, but what annoys me is all leave voters are stupid uneducated morons, apperantly,  it's a democracy, majority won let's get on with it.
I wasn't happy England lost the other night, shame we can't have a vote for a replay, but we can't, so let's get on with it.

What has air fair going up to Canada to do with EU vote. Thought we are still in it, or have I missed something?!! 

Air fares have gone up across the board. There is uncertainty in the global markets and commerce.

Spesh - we have a parliamentary democracy. That's not the same as a non-binding referendum - which is advisory. We can only leave the EU when parliament repeals the 1972 Act that took us in.

The Fat Lady has not yet sung.


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