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Let's make a concerted effort

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--- Quote from: maggiesaes on December 01, 2018, 11:21:33 AM ---We have already booked for May next year we booked it whilst in San Steph in May.
I did miss me second visit this year and hope to get two in in 2019 although one of my granddaughters will be 18 at the end of September just when we like to go.
In our 70s we find the height of summer too much for us.

I am pleased that there is still some activity on here I do like to keep the flame alive all year.

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Yes we are finding July rather hot now, so may have to look at changing that. Do you think May or September would be the best time to go, in your opinion? :)


--- Quote from: Tredegar Boy on December 01, 2018, 01:22:02 PM ---It doesn't take much to breathe life into this forum so well done folks. It'll be nice to have a look each day expecting to see something new rather than no activity

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Quite right, help us get through the winter months! 8)


--- Quote from: Natman+Sparksdad on December 01, 2018, 04:14:00 PM ---I've always been more of an observer rather than a contributor.

However, it was this site that convinced me that I had made the right choice when I booked San Stefanos on a whim 4 years ago. The restaurant and general reviews painted a great picture. So,I'm making an early resolution to become more active.

I'm not a great Facebook lover, but the advantage it has is the ability to post photos and videos (although the meal and beer pics bore me)

I love Karen's idea of a daily holiday blog and I'll do mine when we return next August.

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Welcome on board!  Looking forward to all the holiday reviews next year! :)


--- Quote from: loftyscot on December 01, 2018, 04:33:41 PM ---We have booked again after what will have an 8 year gap. Staying at Nondas in July for 10 days. Must admit we’re really looking forward to seeing what’s changed in the village and, of course, slipping back into that relaxing rhythm.

First place looked at before we booked was this forum to see what was happening. It’s still good.

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Great news!  There aren't really too many changes, loftyscot, the only thing that never changes is the warm welcome from the lovely local folk! :)


--- Quote from: H A S on December 01, 2018, 06:46:42 PM ---Good to see some activity on here.

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It's great isn't, just like old times!! ;D


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