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Pound/Euro 2019

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Tredegar Boy:
Hi all,

I've been looking at the euro exchange rate on TravelFX our preferred provider and found that their offering only 1.0845 against the current exchange rate of 1.14291. Now I know that the rate of exchange for joe public is always less than the actual rate but thats a huge difference. Am I missing something here? 


--- Quote from: Tredegar Boy on April 27, 2020, 01:31:49 AM ---Hi all,

I've been looking at the euro exchange rate on TravelFX our preferred provider and found that their offering only 1.0845 against the current exchange rate of 1.14291. Now I know that the rate of exchange for joe public is always less than the actual rate but thats a huge difference. Am I missing something here? 

--- End quote ---
Probably that none of the big boys are actually doing any exchange.... They are likely not trying to compete.

I think the point is that they have to buy currency ahead. The general trend is downward. Who's buying euros at the moment? Hardly anybody.

They were back to their usual 1 eurocent below exchange rate when I looked and are still today.


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