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Gillie uses a nebuliser and has never had any problems. My suggestion is: take the documentation and don't panic. Airlines are used to shovelling people with all manner of infirmities onto aeroplanes, But speak to the cabin crew when you get on the plane if you will need to use the device in flight; they may suggest that you go to the toilet to do it. They are not waiters and waitresses - they're highly-trained professionals, and have probably seen everything. They can use defibrillators, CPR, deal with the dead, help nervous fliers, evacuate a plane in ninety seconds, assist at births and so on. The important thing is to smile and be nice and explain a problem. They will do everything they can to help.

The important thing to remember is that you are not unique. Millions of people use nebulisers. Relax, and enjoy your holiday. I once flew to Rhodes with a very painful slipped disk. I walked around the plane most of the time - which would be potentially suspicious behaviour. Four hours of agony. When I explained why to the cabin attendants they were immensely sympathetic, and even gave me an extra-legroom seat for landing.     

Thanks Jimbo ,This  has knocked my confidence and to have reassurance from you has helped. I shall look forward to our holiday in lovely SS   :)

We have a long list of problems including heart and lung problems and as Jimbo says take your information and prescriptions with you,we do.
I take 23 different sorts of medication a day,some twice a day so we could well look suspicious.
We also book assistance at the airport now as the stairs on the aircraft  are a problem for Andy.
We have had no problem getting medical help when we have needed it whilst away.

Thanks Maggiemaes,   It's great that there is such a friendly community to get advice.

It is Chrissyann which is why we must keep this forum active. We learn something new all the time, albeit we've been going for 15 years :)


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