Author Topic: September 2021  (Read 37205 times)

Offline Jimbo

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #75 on: October 10, 2021, 04:59:37 PM »
I don’t want to give any false impressions, so let me say that almost all of this is for reasons not at all connected with the village or its people.

It was in many ways the most disastrous holiday we’ve ever had. What overshadowed it was illness. I was feeling ill before we went – so much so that I did two LFTs. A bad flu-like cold. I suspect I caught it from my ex-wife who had had something very similar the week before. I took her to pick up her new second-hand car. I assumed I’d feel better with some sun and relaxation.
The trip out was great. Easy drive to Doncaster-Sheffield airport at three in the morning. “Meet and Greet” parking was excellent – right next to the terminal, park, sign in and drop your keys – all very friendly even at four am. Fast check-in. Pleasant people in security. Pleasant people in the departure lounge, which is also the gate area. Light breakfast in the equally cheerful Wetherspoon’s eatery.

I went downstairs to the outside smoking area for a ciggie and watched a pink Wizzair jet take off in the first light of morning. Then back in the departure area the long line of windows facing the runway lit up with a wonderful red dawn. A very nice waitress told me that was a bonus of the early shift – they have fantastic dawns.

The flight was on time. Boarding was efficient. Good crew. Good, but cloudy flight, so no views even down the Croatian coast. Easy transit through arrivals, got bags. The taxi driver got his dates wrong, but TUI put us on the next bus, which went straight to Agios Stefanos. Took about an hour to Nafsika, where we had lunch and a glass of vino.
Our friends Catherine and Paul Barnes were staying at Christina’s, near the church, and we had many enjoyable meals and drinks with them. Although I was quite ill, and got progressively worse, the best part of this trip was actually socialising. We’d been hiding in a Covid cave for eighteen months, and it was such a pleasure talking to so many people – lots of friends we’d met on previous trips, plus all the locals.

The weather was beautiful. Apart from one windy day the sea was placid and the beach wide. I went in the sea only once, I’m sad to say. We never did get our ring blown up to bob about on. Gillie caught the bug from me, so she was in decline. After nine days I felt so bad I retired to bed. The next day, my birthday, I went to the clinic. The lovely nurse Dora gave me a lateral flow test and called the doctor, who confirmed my diagnosis of bronchitis. I was given drugs, and the next day they brought the full suite of pills and inhalers, and banned me from swimming, the sun, and alcohol. I interpreted the latter as excessive alcohol. Total cost was 167 euros.

Life in the village was relaxed and as lovely as always. Great dancing at Zorba’s and lovely lunches at Mistral. Everybody was so kind. Prices pretty much unchanged after two years. The main thing is, after the isolation and tension of the pandemic in the UK, the sheer ease of an outdoor life was such a massive relief.

The owners were quite bitter about the way they’d been messed around by TUI. Constant cancellations, and then booking two people into a place that needed five staff to run. But the taverna owners had one of their busiest Augusts for many years.

Above all, it felt safe, and right, and lovely. I just wish we’d been able to enjoy it more. With hindsight it might have been better for us to postpone, but we didn’t know things would develop as they did.

Please don’t hesitate to book for next year. There is nothing to fear and everything to enjoy. The warmth and filoxenia is just the same. The people are the same. The sea is kind and beautiful.

But try not to be ill – that’s better done at home!

Offline dibully

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #76 on: October 10, 2021, 06:44:51 PM »
Was lovely to see you both Jim so sorry you were ill but glad to see your on the mend hope our paths cross again soon love to you both x

Offline geordieborn2

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #77 on: October 10, 2021, 07:32:53 PM »
A shame you were both ill Jimbo and that it made the holiday not quite what it would normally be. But they all go to make the “great” holidays I’m sure we all remember, and it makes them all the “greater”!
Happy days...

Offline Jimbo

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2021, 08:01:17 PM »
Thanks, guys! In the "olden days" I would have seen a doctor before we went, and would have been told not to fly, take the antibiotics and go to bed! It's probably easier now to get an audience with the Pope than see a GP. If it happens like this again I will insist, or go to A&E.

Offline WINKIE

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2021, 09:21:04 PM »
Saddened to read of your ill health whilst on holiday Jim, nothing worse, I always just want to go home if I'm poorly, fingers crossed you both recover very soon, thanks for the reports too.
If its not one thing,its your mother.

Offline Evertonendo

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #80 on: October 13, 2021, 12:48:50 AM »
Full report over the weekend.

Thunder, lightning and rain all night. Seemed unlikely we'd actually get off, because there were diversions on Thursday. The bus picked us up from Nafsika at 8:20. Our flight was 13:20.

On the bus, at the airport and on the plane it was obvious that about 35% of our countrymen have no idea what a mask is, what it's for, what they breathe through, that it's not a talisman you wear around your chin.

Arrived at the airport in pouring rain with circling lightning. The airport was, frankly, a nightmare. It took one and a half hours of queuing round endless crocodile alleys to get to the check-in desk. There were at least a thousand people crammed into the two check-in areas. Social distancing - forget it!

Security was quick, uncrowded and well-organised. Through in five minutes. The new departure lounge is very nice. I just had time to cram half a Burger King thing down before our gate opened.  Then the next stupidity. What the don't tell you is that passport control is between the lounge and the gates. Another long queue - more crocodile lanes. Take note - there are eateries in the gate area. If you had the correct, well-organised documents, at all stages the formalities were easy.

Our plane, like many others, was on an hour's delay, because they had to circle to avoid storms before landing.

Next to me was a woman who would have dwarfed Mount Olympus. We'd picked her and her equally gross husband up from an all-inclusive on our bus. At no point did her mask actually cover either her mouth or her nose. No crew member mentioned it, although they made several PA announcements about masks.

Arrived in a sunny Doncaster with a temperature of 22 - which was a lot warmer than Corfu. Short walk (30 yards?) to the Meet and Greet, where our car was waiting. Alas, roadworks caused a diversion, but we miraculously were able to park outside our house, despite the fact that Hull Fair opened tonight. Door to door 12 hours.

The airport seriously need to be re-organised, at least for Fridays. A nightmare, basically.

Hey Jimbo
We got caught in the Burger King before passport control last year, total panic stations, we’ll never make that mistake again we said !!
Guess what ?? We did it again this year  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Tredegar Boy

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #81 on: October 13, 2021, 01:47:55 AM »
Thanks, guys! In the "olden days" I would have seen a doctor before we went, and would have been told not to fly, take the antibiotics and go to bed! It's probably easier now to get an audience with the Pope than see a GP. If it happens like this again I will insist, or go to A&E.

Sadly attending A&E is the only way to be seen nowadays. I've given up trying to get past the surgeries kommandant on reception
When God created Wales he was just showing off

Offline geordieborn2

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #82 on: October 13, 2021, 12:14:49 PM »
It's a bit odd as a number of people has said this, but we have had no such problem. If anything with telephone appointments and physical appointments things have been easier. I think ours must be an exception.
Happy days...

Offline Karen

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #83 on: October 13, 2021, 01:37:05 PM »
We are very lucky with our GP. We have a system called My GP, which is like an email system. John had a chest infection and other issues, last week. The GP phoned back at 7pm and said to collect some antibiotics from Tesco pharmacy, which she had prescribed and to go for a face to face with her, 3 days later. We spent half an hour with her.

Offline Jimbo

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #84 on: October 13, 2021, 04:12:55 PM »
Gillie caught the infection from me, and has been ill. She went for a scheduled blood test on Monday, and the nurse booked her in to see a GP two hours later. Now she has antibiotics. So it can happen.

Had our booster jabs yesterday, and received our Day 2 PCR negative test results - so that concludes the 2021 holiday saga.

I did manage to write about a third of a radio play whilst in AS - so now trying to get the energy to complete it. Still feeling tired, despite a lot of sleep. Still, I did unblock the kitchen sink and Gillie says I'm on 100% good boy at the moment. Very rare, and I fear will not last long!

Offline Karen

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #85 on: October 13, 2021, 05:32:36 PM »
Oh dear, poor Gillie..get well soon. This condition is running riot where we live.

Offline Jimbo

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #86 on: October 13, 2021, 08:42:39 PM »
I'm still tired most of the time, despite sleeping a lot.

Still - I was pleased I insisted on printing all the travel paperwork; it seems some people couldn't fly because the vaccination status system was off-line for several hours. Complex systems have many points of failure; paper doesn't.

Offline Karen

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #87 on: October 13, 2021, 09:12:27 PM »
You're bound to be tired Jim, hopefully you will improve soon. Johns been just the same. Yes, I would go with the paper version too!

Offline Jimbo

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #88 on: October 22, 2021, 03:56:11 PM »
I'm seriously glad that we got out before this happened:


Offline Karen

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Re: September 2021
« Reply #89 on: October 22, 2021, 05:39:45 PM »


San Stefanos

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