I'll have you know I have a full head of hair! When I visit the barbers I have a #4 all over. Ready Chris!!! as a haircut is £6 and clippers only is £3.50. No Brainer for we wee Scots!
So Sandras a barber as well as everything else lol!!!!!!!!!
Tony you want to try this barbers...... Everything Black apart from all the neon FBI signs... Very weird place..... You'd fit in like a foot in a sock!!!!
So you have an African Barber, (or is it Butcher in your case - LOL!!), and you frequent weird places!!
(Jules & Sue were right on that one!!LOL).
no wonder you look like your hair has been tarred!! - - - but not feathered!!
Some men have white hair and come out of your Barbers, looking like effeminate sheep, (black sheep in your case)!!
I personally have the Back & sides clipper'ed @#2, the hair on top scissor'ed until it spikes up!!
That way it is less like the proverbial brillo you suggested in another string!!