I am interested in peoples experiences of driving in Corfu.Car, Quad Bike.What are your experiences?
How do you find Driving.Highway code is there any? I only ever drove once in Spain about 20 years ago.Please share your experiences Good or bad or maybe even funny. Thankyou. 
I love driving in Corfu - I don't even need a road map for most of the usual journeys.
When you use a map though, - plan the route and drive village to village and you won't get lost!
It's not bad to drive - go slowly round corners on quad bikes though and they are fine.
Bike or Car - as long as you get used to the roads, and adjust your driving style a little, it's fine.
Let any local in a hurry pass when you can, know the next village and look out for the sign's.
Corfu Town can be heavy traffic, like any busy town, but remember you are driving on the right -
it can be confusing until you settle in. Very easy driving on the dual carriageways - no problem.
Watch out for hand held speed traps on these roads approaching Corfu Town.
The worst bit can be a lorry or bus bearing down towards you and a sheer drop on your right,
on narrow mountain roads. Just stay calm and pull over and stop if not sure.
It's quite normal for locals to "toot" as they overtake.
Overall - if new to corfu driving, be extra careful until you are used to a r/hand drive car and the conditions.
Once you have adapted drive a little like the locals and you will be fine.
Be prepared to reverse in certain situations as well, Avliotes is a classic for using your reversing skills!!
Don't worry - you will be fine and enjoy the experience.