Personally think august not too bad. I love kids but I couldn't eat a whole one!! Tried it curried in West Indies and ate some with Cous Cous in Tunisia!
Yes - we heard you loved to eat certain things!!
Only meat from land sea or air, fruit & Veg............. Then stuff grown in the ground..... Anything basically!
So it's a case of See Meat and eat it, & air it later as you land it in the loo!! LOL
And there was me expecting the old seafood one....... I see food and I eat it!!!!!!!!!
This is the 2009 version!!
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH The 60+ version no wonder Jules and I didn't understand it LOL
No wonder I didn't know what he was referring to. It must be an old fogey thing
I'm glad you called him that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think he'll be surprised to find I'm actually the shyest, quietest person he's ever met?
If a person of that description turned up he would know it wasn't you lol!!!!!!!!!!
What a poor memory you have!!!!!!!!!!! You have such a DIM opinion of me!!!!!!!!!!
Jules - definately not an old fogey - that's not in MY 'c.v.'!! - and you will find it hard to keep up with me - baby!!
Don - Jules can confirm her opinion of you as a bit DIM - (Dodgey, Incandescent, Madman)!!