Ok - I know you were waiting for this -
The new Holiday Film on San Stefanos, is called "One flu over the halals nest",
a film dedicated to B L T's, sweet & sour, and sausages!!
A bit like the Blair witch project, it was filmed on the nudie beach with Jules Camcorder and features scenes unfit for children to watch.
Scene's of flagellation, as Peter, Don and Zimmer are rounded up by the "Force" (Sue, Jules, stressed and Zoe),
and whipped soundly with strings of sausages, until their goose (or Hog-roast) was cooked, while simmering on a sunbed.
Cries of "don't stop", "More-more-more" from the boys, whilst coughing germs the size of cooked hams,
in the direction of italy and Sidari. Meanwhile a Game of "Back-Gammon", in full swing, and the rest of us in face-masks, playing ''will the real Michael Jackson'' please stand up!!
All this and more - on channel 4!!