Can easily be arranged
Thanks you Lot!!! LOL
Not sure I would like to be a ''Queen'' when I reach 2000, (unless the money is really, really good!!). LOL
How about The San Stefanos Consultants, or even better, The San Stefanos Professionals,
otherwise, Jules could be the Duchess of Corfu!!! LOL and Don & I could be the Beach Boys!!
Is that because we GET AROUND and have FUN FUN FUN? .....GOD ONLY KNOWS but we do know the HEROES AND VILLAINS............... That's it!!!!!! Me and Tony San Stef HEROES!!!!!!!!! Work the rest out LOL
Oh! very good - Jules a hero - now say that with a Japanese accent - !! Maybe she should be a Hero-Queen!!
Thanks - to the Web-site owners - for the Promotion!! LOL - Good colour for Don - he is a shade of Green anyway!!