What we need is a Peter Mandelson SPIN on it!!
groan- you lot should either be Tony Blackburn's script writers or form a new Carry On Co ::)lol
SLOW down now, we're at least on the right TRACK..... Sorry if we don't CREASE you up!
I can see this running until the end of the CENTURY, luckily my Vision is "20-20" and I can see in the dark,
especially when playing NIGHT-GAMES, in my Whites!!
Jules snatched my "Box" when playing partners and rubbed it so hard trying to get a Genie out,
it burnt out and she got her hands on the ASHES at last!
I do DECLARE that I will BAIL out of that one - hate to be CLEAN BOWLED OVER !!!!!!!!!
Thats because I've packed in smoking my BENSON & HEDGES and changed from GILLETTE to Wilkinsons sword! Since I packed in I have become quite BEEFY. I am healthier now I DON't smoke. Its good that I am now on the RUN UP to our Corfu visit and will soon break our DUCK for this year. We will also KNOCK our CENTURY of foreign holidays when we return for a SECOND. We are pushing back the BOUNDARY all the time. See you are all ROPEd into these holdays to so you all pass the TEST.
I see you threw a "Carrom Ball", and "castled" with the "cherry", but the next was a "dibbly-dobbly", with a "dipper" and a "Dink", at the other end the "ferret" managed an out of the ordinary "Flash", before being bowled over and walking back to then Hutch!!
Well the BROAD man had a SNICK preview of what was for LUNCH and found it was some LAMB. He WOOD have prefered something a bit more LIGHT as he wanted to impress the DOLLY BIRD on his ARM. From 22 YARDS he could get away with his 3 bellies hanging OUT but CLOSE up was another thing. He might have to hide BEHIND the THIRD MAN to get OUT of her SIGHT and then give her the SLIP before BAILING OUT!!
Who ever started this needs a kick in the GOOGLY'S
but that would leave them a weeping WILLOW, I can't stay long because I need to get my GRASSCUTTER out and Mow the lawn, and then I'd better do a bit of Ironing because I've got a terrible CREASE in my WHITE(S) shirt
So we now have MILBURN and COWDREY those WORLD CUP class Colins. Sorry couldn't make it a HAT-TRICK But if you combined those two Colins would they have made a HEAVY ROLLER before they DROVE their BEAMER through THIRD MAN as Harry drank lager and lime like a TRUEMAN while dreaming ofthe LA LAKERs!
I think women should play CRICKET - they are WAGs & have good qualifications, ZOOTERS AND THE YIPS. LEG SLIPS, are a concern, however, theres nothing like a LEG BEFORE WICKET, or a LEG SLIP.
LADIES would go out for the MAIDEN OVER, & ask for a LENGTH - SLIP(ed) to them - as a IN-SWINGER, WHEN PERFORMING A MARILLIER SHOT, with a little MATCH FIXING thrown in.
A MULLYGRUBBER was thrown out, causing a NURDEL, this was because of a STURGER, being a bit of a STICKY DOG, luckily, she put on her NETS, as a LOOSENER, until the HOT-SPOT was found!!
After a HAT-TRICK I shouted HOIK! Natuarally, I had first put on a GLOVE, for PROTECTION, before DIVING into the GULLY for a FULL TOSS and a FRENCH CUT, in case of a FOLLOW THROUGH.
I had to adjust my FLY SLIP, and COME TO THE CREASE. Naturally this would be done under the COVERS, owing to the CORRIDOR OF UNCERTAINTY, and would continue until I had to go to the Toilet, only to be repelled by a FLOATER! GAME OVER thanks to this final GAZUNDER with a JAFFA. HOWZAT!