We met some people (Ian & Julie from Norfolk), in Dalyan last year, Dalyan being a touch similar to SS, They were return Dalyan visitors!
I Got a surprise email today from them today from the Barras - -
I will copy/paste it below for you to read - I think it's really nice!!
a special hi to you tony and linda and A BIG THANK YOU FOR RECCOMMENDING THIS SUPER PLACE!! soon be your turn!
hi everyone. we are in barras appartments in centre of village on a junction. its great, we can lie near pool people watching! we HAVE been energetic too - saturday (or was it sunday, too much oozo dulling the senses) walked uphill to next little village slightly inland. about 5k, also been to a gym in another hotel. hired a car for 2 days, visited agios georgios.
You went with some of your children - remember?
ian recognised the waiter in the alkyon. place is run down now. also drove to ag. gordis - our honeymoon place - this is tourist/pricey - found the lil footpath where ian and some woman we had met went scrumping for grapes 3 am! needless to say they were caught in the act!!??? roads are still as they were in 1991 patchwork of potholes/repairs and grit. drove to the highest point on corfu and along the north coast lovely. we will go for walk later today, white cliffs in distance look inviting. Think we are the only people that have not been here b4. THAT SAYS IT ALL, IT REALLY IS UPSPOILT compared with other places we saw in car.
Food of course is still bril we are sticking to the 'specials' so we can taste all there is on offer! hope all is ok with everyone love you lots julie (im sure ian sends his love - he's reading/asleep? on a sunbed - i just had to get out of the sun for a few mins!!
Love Julie xxxxx
AAAAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh!!!! so nice!!