Author Topic: Mosquitoes in San Stef  (Read 18895 times)

Offline Bristle Boy

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Mosquitoes in San Stef
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:27:06 PM »
Forgot to mention yesterday when reporting on our visit to San Stef, the mosquito problem is especially severe this year.
The locals are blaming the very wet winter Corfu suffered.
Myself and my wife were bitten on many occasions and so were most people. It's the worst we've suffered in many years holidaying in the Med. Even the locals are saying it's a prob especially this year. We've always sprayed every eve before going out for the night, using Autan, but they seemed resistant to it to be honest. Plus the liquid repellant machine was always on in our apt.
So on advice switched to Cintronella (i think that's what it's called) and these sprays only cost 3 euros in the supermarkets in San Stef. This seemed to be better protection.
The regs on the forum who frequent San Stef may see this as 'normal' but the locals are even saying it's especially problematic this year.

Offline Jules

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 12:14:33 AM »
Forgot to mention yesterday when reporting on our visit to San Stef, the mosquito problem is especially severe this year.
The locals are blaming the very wet winter Corfu suffered.
Myself and my wife were bitten on many occasions and so were most people. It's the worst we've suffered in many years holidaying in the Med. Even the locals are saying it's a prob especially this year. We've always sprayed every eve before going out for the night, using Autan, but they seemed resistant to it to be honest. Plus the liquid repellant machine was always on in our apt.
So on advice switched to Cintronella (i think that's what it's called) and these sprays only cost 3 euros in the supermarkets in San Stef. This seemed to be better protection.
The regs on the forum who frequent San Stef may see this as 'normal' but the locals are even saying it's especially problematic this year.
Every year we have been there has been lots of Mossies about and I usually do get bit. I have recently taken antihistamines with us as they help to relieve the itching from the bites. Also we always leave the air con as the little blighters don't like it to cold. ;D
For the room we always leave the plug in liquid repellent on 24/7 which also seems to help.
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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2009, 01:42:15 AM »
i am always food for mozzies but this year used tropical body spray and had a spray from the big shop in a blue can 2.90 everynight sprayed behind curtain and under bed and this worked it also had a nice smell

Offline TopCat

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 02:46:59 AM »
Thanks for the warning, we leave on fri and i had wondered what the mozzie situation was like. Ill come prepared!!! 8) 8)

Offline tonyco1

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2009, 03:59:57 AM »
Thanks for the warning, we leave on fri and i had wondered what the mozzie situation was like. Ill come prepared!!! 8) 8)
Hi Top Cat - we are also going on friday, meeting Don & Sandra and Alan & Carole there. (and a few others I expect!!)
We are all going for a meal, followed by a few drinks at Ozzie Oils on Sat evening, feel free to pop in and ask who the san stefanos forum members are - we would love to say hello.
Where are you staying - we are in the Theodosia apt's! this year!
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2009, 04:00:56 AM »
i am always food for mozzies but this year used tropical body spray and had a spray from the big shop in a blue can 2.90 everynight sprayed behind curtain and under bed and this worked it also had a nice smell
Zoe what was the spray called and which supermarket?
Margarita's or Sam's place?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 04:53:06 AM by tonyco1 »
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2009, 04:55:00 AM »
Forgot to mention yesterday when reporting on our visit to San Stef, the mosquito problem is especially severe this year.
The locals are blaming the very wet winter Corfu suffered.
Myself and my wife were bitten on many occasions and so were most people. It's the worst we've suffered in many years holidaying in the Med. Even the locals are saying it's a prob especially this year. We've always sprayed every eve before going out for the night, using Autan, but they seemed resistant to it to be honest. Plus the liquid repellant machine was always on in our apt.
So on advice switched to Cintronella (i think that's what it's called) and these sprays only cost 3 euros in the supermarkets in San Stef. This seemed to be better protection.
The regs on the forum who frequent San Stef may see this as 'normal' but the locals are even saying it's especially problematic this year.
Every year we have been there has been lots of Mossies about and I usually do get bit. I have recently taken antihistamines with us as they help to relieve the itching from the bites. Also we always leave the air con as the little blighters don't like it to cold. ;D
For the room we always leave the plug in liquid repellent on 24/7 which also seems to help.
Jules - if you wore some clothes out it may make a difference!!  LOL
Too many juicy bits on offer!!!  :o ;D
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

Offline hendrix46

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2009, 05:10:23 AM »
Forgot to mention yesterday when reporting on our visit to San Stef, the mosquito problem is especially severe this year.
The locals are blaming the very wet winter Corfu suffered.
Myself and my wife were bitten on many occasions and so were most people. It's the worst we've suffered in many years holidaying in the Med. Even the locals are saying it's a prob especially this year. We've always sprayed every eve before going out for the night, using Autan, but they seemed resistant to it to be honest. Plus the liquid repellant machine was always on in our apt.
So on advice switched to Cintronella (i think that's what it's called) and these sprays only cost 3 euros in the supermarkets in San Stef. This seemed to be better protection.
The regs on the forum who frequent San Stef may see this as 'normal' but the locals are even saying it's especially problematic this year.
Every year we have been there has been lots of Mossies about and I usually do get bit. I have recently taken antihistamines with us as they help to relieve the itching from the bites. Also we always leave the air con as the little blighters don't like it to cold. ;D
For the room we always leave the plug in liquid repellent on 24/7 which also seems to help.
Jules - if you wore some clothes out it may make a difference!!  LOL
Too many juicy bits on offer!!!  :o ;D
No real problems with the little blighters. On a couple of nights could feel them around my ankles when I'd forgotten to put repellent on. None in the room even. Didn't have to go on my mosquito hunt.
 I'll save everyone else posting this.....they probably don't like bad meat then!! LOL!
 I'll check out the situation in 26 days when I make my second visit this year!!LOL!

Offline Jules

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2009, 09:44:32 AM »
Forgot to mention yesterday when reporting on our visit to San Stef, the mosquito problem is especially severe this year.
The locals are blaming the very wet winter Corfu suffered.
Myself and my wife were bitten on many occasions and so were most people. It's the worst we've suffered in many years holidaying in the Med. Even the locals are saying it's a prob especially this year. We've always sprayed every eve before going out for the night, using Autan, but they seemed resistant to it to be honest. Plus the liquid repellant machine was always on in our apt.
So on advice switched to Cintronella (i think that's what it's called) and these sprays only cost 3 euros in the supermarkets in San Stef. This seemed to be better protection.
The regs on the forum who frequent San Stef may see this as 'normal' but the locals are even saying it's especially problematic this year.
Every year we have been there has been lots of Mossies about and I usually do get bit. I have recently taken antihistamines with us as they help to relieve the itching from the bites. Also we always leave the air con as the little blighters don't like it to cold. ;D
For the room we always leave the plug in liquid repellent on 24/7 which also seems to help.
Jules - if you wore some clothes out it may make a difference!!  LOL
Too many juicy bits on offer!!!  :o ;D
Look who's talking lol!! ;D
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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 10:27:16 AM »
sorry tony can't remember the name but in the big shop near athina in a mid blue can only 2.90 didnt make you choke when you sprayed it as well

Offline Jules

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2009, 10:29:44 AM »
sorry tony can't remember the name but in the big shop near athina in a mid blue can only 2.90 didnt make you choke when you sprayed it as well
probably Aspa supermarket.
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Offline tonyco1

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2009, 03:07:30 PM »
sorry tony can't remember the name but in the big shop near athina in a mid blue can only 2.90 didnt make you choke when you sprayed it as well
probably Aspa supermarket.
Yes - Sam's place - I will check it out!!
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

Offline pat

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2009, 06:13:28 PM »
Mosquitoes are a real problem for me too- awful skin reactions. Maybe this has been brought up before but I have used Avon`s Skin So Soft (Woodland Fresh- the green bottle) here in England and I haven`t been bitten by anything. While in SS I`ve always used Jungle Formula Tropical strength with good results but would really like to use something less toxic. Has anyone put their faith in Avon completely? Also heard about transdermal patches that are applied to skin for up to 36 hours each (deet free) containing vitamin B but don`t know anyone who hassed them. All suggestions welcome. While I am around Simon and boys are protected - the mozzies look no further!


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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2009, 07:59:34 PM »
on a tv they told people to take vit b1 three times a day to stop mozzies

Offline Cockney in Hull

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Re: Mosquitoes in San Stef
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2009, 09:02:00 PM »
on a tv they told people to take vit b1 three times a day to stop mozzies
There were lots of mozzies around while we were there a couple of weeks back and also lots of people with really nasty looking bites on there arms and legs. I only got bitten twice in two weeks which was pretty good, 1 on the leg above where i'd sprayed and one on my forehead on the last night waiting for the coach.We thought we would walk down to the beach for one last sunset (Hadn't sprayed).It wasn't the best idea i've ever had as it looked like i'd been hit with a golf ball!!.Luckily it went down before we got to the airport.
We always use CK One (The his & hers perfumey/cologney thing). We found out years ago that the mozzies seem to hate it. It also saves taking perfume/aftershave/mozzie spray seperates and smells good as well. O.K so people can smell me from the other end of the street when it first gets sprayed on  but I like to think i'm sending a message out to the little buzzers :D.
The only rubbishy bit is it's a bit pricey and the immotation stuff you can get cheap abroad doesn't work.The mozzies seem to be able to tell the difference.


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