Yes, I know that this thread was last posted to about a year ago but it was the first Thomas Bay cash point machine thread that I found !
Just back from two weeks at the Romanza. Had an amazing time once again except for one little hiccup (which was probably my fault).
Being helpful, the Thomas Bay guys had taped a handy bit of paper above the cash dispenser slot of the machine saying roughly 'get your cash below' because some holidaymakers had looked for their cash from the Receipts dispenser slot.
Unfortunately the sun melted the tape glue and the paper curled up and out obscuring the cash slot when looked at from above (I'm 6' 3"). I spotted the receipt easily enough (coz it came out of the receipt slot ... funny that !) but I didn't spot the cash poking out because of the handy bit of paper stuck out further so the machine took it back (too darn quick if you ask me !).
I now have to wait for 30 days for my bank to 'fully investigate' the matter to see if I should get my 150 euros back. The investigation consists of checking to see if there was more cash in the machine at the end of that day than there should have been. Why this will take a month, Gawd knows !
So basically, if you ask for cash from this machine, clear your mind of all things, focus on the cash, grab it quick and sod the receipt. If the cash is retained your bank account still records it as a withdrawal with no automatic record of any retention. Whatever you tried to take will also come out of your daily cash withdrawal allowance.
Anyway, did I mention that the Romanza was still amazing?