No one wants to spoil the beautiful sunset at S S!!
Not with that rubbish anyway.
I took a photo of it last week, are you sure it's in relation to a wind farm as it looks like a radio or telephone mast.
It is next to the shrine on the headland, (not a church), but even that is an eyesore in itself!!
Hi Tony,
Sorry mate but its an anemometer mast.
You will have noticed that it has 3 spinning anemometers on the mast designed to measure wind speed at various heights, a TV or radio mast will only have one on the top.
Its purpose was confirmed to me by a S.S. Taverna owner and we can only hope it all comes to nothing, however, I know from bitter experience that power companies dont go to the expense of putting up these masts unless they are serious about it.
The problem is that SS is probably the windiest part of Corfu which makes it a natural target for wind farm development.
Dont even get me started on the folly of wind farms and the destrutive effect they have on the landscape
