Author Topic: Back home to Blighty again!! Where's the Sun Gone?  (Read 5164 times)

Offline tonyco1

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Back home to Blighty again!! Where's the Sun Gone?
« on: July 19, 2009, 10:08:48 PM »
Hi all - missed you lot of course - - met so many people from the site there as well.
All very happy experiences!! Pam and Mary - looking for your postings about my Karaoke session!! LOL
I got on really well with Don & Sandra and met lots of others too!!
Zimmer - Keith - it was a pleasure to meet you and the family - I thought we got on well!
I caught up on lots of postings today - -I hadn't fully realised what was happening!
I thought you were a nice couple to meet, also your son who seemed to enjoy it well!!
I for one will now miss you on the site so reconsider and come back, it's good to see the other side!!
If you ever go back to S S, I will be pleased to buy the beers!!
Love it for you to keep in touch - maybe on facebook?
I will miss your humour now I understand it!! LOL
Strange thing is we were sitting next to the Martyn Slayter Party, and he is a friend on Face book - but it didn't click!!
We did briefly speak and I shouted hello as I passed by on a quad bike - so nice to meet you - even though we weren't introduced.
I have some photos of your party in my collection!!
By the way - you guys were great on the Hypno-show - real sports!!!

Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1


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