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Great start to my holiday

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We don't do overtime so only have to rely on our monthly salaries and any bonuses are truly that  - a bonus

I love to eke out my monthlies so I can go that little bit further... Got a good bonus and top annual performance payment!
Oh! and as long as Chrisno2 buys my beer I'll stay rich! LOL

Been my misery month this time for finance -
First - Car problems - some fixed - but still have a repair of around £550 worth of things to do on it.
Yesterday the Fridge freezer went wrong, and had to go out and buy a new one £450, then my shaver packed up and not worth repairing now, so another the same is around £120, need a new pair of sofa's, £2k at least for what we want -
when does it ever end?
On top of that we want another holiday - getting difficult now!!
Someone is sticking pins in a doll of me - can guess who as well!! LOL

The pins are working then - but who is sticking them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe Mr. K N O Brown! (or K'no' Brown stuff - as we know him).


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