Author Topic: Nasty habits  (Read 46659 times)

Offline tonyco1

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2009, 02:03:59 AM »
Gillywoo - you sound like a Dreaded Smoker!!
I hope you remember to look after the non-smokers around you at the tables,
as nothing ruins a meal more quickly than second-hand smoke drifting across while you eat!
In saying that we all know you need that ciggy sometimes!! Just remember us oxygen freaks!! LOL

We found it was pretty much ok in San Stefanos generally, as most people respected each other really well!
Common sense usually rules in the restaurants and Bars!!
When it did get a bit much - it was always our eastern european cousins who went a step too far!! - They all smoke!!
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

Offline Gillywoo

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2009, 09:39:54 PM »
Hi Tonyco1

Yes I am what you would call a 'dreaded smoker'!!

However, for once it it lovely to go somewhere ie Greece and not be treated as if we are the scum of the earth!!

It is great to be able to light up after a meal and enjoy a ciggie - even though i know they are bad for you - but this is my choice.

In SS I can smoke outside and, therefore, for once I think non smokers should be more accommodating to smoker's feelings. if they don't like it they can always sit in the non smoking area - which every Tarverna now has!

I do not want to offend non smokers, but at least in Greece there is always a happy medium - unlike in this country!

Offline Andy7

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2009, 10:01:01 PM »
As a life long non-smoker I feel I can comment on this issue with some balance.

I have never smoked and never will but I can not understand the obsession some folk have about the smoke that 'sometimes' drifts across their table, I wonder if the anti-smokers objects as much to the fumes pumped out by cars and buses which to be honest I find far more unpleasant?

Smoking is an established part of Greek Culture and I would hate the Greeks to become the the obsessive anti smokers that the British have become, I like nothing more than the friendly Greek waiter taking my order with a fag in one hand and a pen in the other! Thats when I know I am in Greece and away from the 'Politically Correct' world of Nanny State Britain.

The anti-smoking attitude of many Brits tells us a lot about the anxious, neurotic and selfish nation we have become, the Greek smokers remind me of the people we used to be when common sense prevailed over intolerance.


Offline sharris

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2009, 10:34:59 PM »
i am too a smoker, as has been choice. i always check around the tables next to me and if people still eating then i wait, that again is my we are allowed to smoke at the table in Corfu, but i have manners.

i too get a bit sick of the smokers being treated like outcasts, i do agree there should be segregated areas in pubs, but making us smoke in the street wasnt really the way forward !!!

Anyway, each to their own, but i can't see Corfu becoming strict on this - thank God !!!!!

Sarah H

Offline Bristle Boy

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2009, 10:53:26 PM »
I smoked from the age of 11, until i was about 31, then gave up. 16 years on from that 1st smoke-free day in 20 years i will freely admit i hate it these days with a passion.

The advent of smoke free pubs and restaurants in the UK is brilliant! I don't have to breathe in other people's smoke. No longer coming home after a night out reaking of smoke!

So smoking is part of Greek culture...hmmm....knife crime seems to be part of UK culture in recent years, but i wish it wasn't!

as for this romantic vision of a greek waiter taking an order with a tab in the other hand or mouth, i bet you wouldn't be so accomodating if he brought your food to the table at the same time as some ash spilling on your food!

C'mon it's a filthy habit and as for the freedom/liberty stuff it's also my choice to tell you to stop blowing smoke across my 'space' and believe me i will.

Someone earlier said about the UK "making us smoke in the street wasnt really the way forward". Yes it was, brilliant idea!

Bah humbug!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 10:57:21 PM by Bristle Boy »


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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2009, 11:04:32 PM »
I get totally amazed since the UK smoking ban. All the Working Men's (outdated term) clubs and pubs around us have the little "stubbing" boxes fastened to the wall outside their doors. Just who is it who keeps breaking into them and taking all the dogends? In favour of smoking or not this is the pits!

I do have  a little video of a table of smokers in the Little Prince last month. All three adults were smokers but smoked in rotation. The designated smoker moving to one seat so the smoke never blew over their table but straight into the faces of those on the next. It is these selfish types who antagonise the rest.

We were in a mixed group of smokers and non-smokers. The non-smokers just walked away to the street totally unbidden. On the other hand Andy7's wife smoked but it didn't affect us as we enjoyed a drink and chat to them. To be honest it made me wish for a large cigar. For the thirtieth month I resisted the temptation.

CONSIDERATION by all is the key!

Offline Clare Davies

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2009, 12:02:08 AM »
Well done Don for packing in the habit, If only we could all break through the willpower. I am on patches at the moment for work and doing ok but it's in the evening when I come home and have a glass or two, that's the real problem!!

If you respect others and smoke outside then that's great but when it's breezy the smoke drifts in there direction, with out intent of course so what are we to do..... and as a thoughtfull person I do feel horrid about inflicting my drugs on others

I think I will suggest to my husband forget the fag and just get sloshed instead

Offline Gillywoo

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2009, 12:19:17 AM »
Hi Clairedavis

How true is this. No matter where you sit the smoke always seems to go straight to a non smoker!!

We go out with friends and he is an ex very anti smoker - but no matter where we sit around the table the smoke seems to follow him!! His wife and I spend all evening fanning the smoke - to no avail!!

I never wish to annoy others when out and hope that I do consider non smokers, but there are times when you can forget - but do not intentionally mean to offend.

Offline tonyco1

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2009, 01:58:05 AM »
O M G - doesn't this issue raise the temperature!! Bristol Boy talks great sense! I now love going to the Pub and restaurants in the UK!
I can remember as a young boy, getting on an underground tube train smoking car - and nearly dying from lack of oxygen!
Britain used to smoke as much as any country - almost everyone smoked once - now we are more aware and can choose!
I have to disagree on this one Andy7 - Any Greek waiter who comes up with a cigarette drooping ash is simply rude! 
I think it's nonsense to say that smoking is part of any countries culture - it's not - it's dirty!
Smokers stink! Sorry - but it's true! Bit like strong Garlic eaters, other smokers won't smell it - the rest do,
unless you are so used to it because of a partner being a smoker!

It is purely marketing and big money by the Tobacco companies, who still make vast fortunes by hooking teenage children on cigarettes, knowing they have created new customers by addiction, in spite of the known risks to health. Both you and I know that is true!
My wife, who smoked from the age of 13, had a heart attack at 42. She was a size 8 who lived on salads, healthy eating and exercise!
So don't expect me or others like us to agree with you on this.
This Heart attack was proved to be caused directly by the carbon monoxide in cigarettes which she - through unlucky genes - was allergic too - as are many people who are walking medical time-bombs but don't know it! This caused her Arteries to be more receptive to coating with cholesterol, and eventually blocking, causing a heart attack. She was told to give up smoking immediately and did so!
She, as a reformed smoker is far worse that me in regard to smoking, especially as she knows exactly what it does to you! 
In saying that - we still operate with respect for others, including to the smokers who show contempt for other Diners eating alongside!
However, if it gets too much - they are asked nicely to keep the smoke away!
I totally agree with your comments on the British nanny state, Andy7, I hate the concept as much as you obviously do!
I hate political correctness with a passion - it's killing Britain!
But - back to smoking - It was the Euro-prat's that brought in the smoking ban in the first place and most of Europe who voted for it were the heavy smokers in the first place!
I like you, am a life-long non-smoker! So I feel likewise I have a balanced outlook as my wife used to smoke - so I understand the need!
But I suffer a touch from Ashma and cigarette smoke wafting in my face affects my breathing!

So I like many others do not have an obsession - I am not anxious, neurotic and selfish - I just can't breath properly!
That is my main reason for hating being near a smoker!! I still believe in peoples right to choose, but I don't wish to share a "Fag"!
Is that so wrong? I hate the smell, it cuts my breathing just like the smoke from a house fire would to most people!
However, I very rarely ever say anything as I don't like to spoil anyone's evening - and understand that smokers have as much right as the non smokers!  As Sarah (sharris) say's it's simply good manners and consideration we want, not to chuck the smoker out into the street! I try to give the same good manners and consideration back to people! Ask Don - we shared a table as well!
Sorry mate - I am not having a dig at you, you often come across with good points of view, I am not trying to upset you or provoke discussion, I am simply saying how it affects me, and why - so you can understand! - and after reading this I am sure that you and the smokers do!
Bottom line - I really like you smokers - buy usually when you are not smoking in my face! LOL
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1


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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2009, 02:30:54 AM »
But I suffer a touch from Ashma and cigarette smoke wafting in my face affects my breathing!

That is one hell of a TYPO............. Which ever way you read it.... Correctly or wrongly it has a potency that hammers into this debate... If intended  - I owe you a carafe............ If accidental .... You owe me two. LOL

 really like you smokers - buy usually when you are not smoking in my face! LOL

I won't even ask what you'll buy smokers!!!!

Apologies Tony can't resist... Jules hasn't posted tonight and as they say "any TYPO is a good TYPO."

Back to being serious and on thread .......... As a 40 a day smoker for nigh on 40 years I never ever lit up in a room where people ate.

Offline tonyco1

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2009, 02:41:24 AM »
On Earlies Don - Tired and going to bed now! up in 5 hours - - Ashma is a good'n of course!!
And I know you would not smoke while people eat - (not that you smoke these days),
as you are one of Natures Real Gentlemen! !! (Maybe) !! LOL

Think it's time to change the thread / string / whatever - - - too much heat!!

When I was in Malta on a winter break last Feb, I was astonished just how much Dog Poo was on every street!
Luckily, I rarely ever see that in San Stefanos!
I am a dog owner and always clean up after the dogs if they dared to do it in a street, (rare), but they just leave it to rot in Malta!
The strange thing is - it's the thing we most remember!! LOL
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1


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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2009, 02:45:27 AM »
On Earlies Don - Tired and going to bed now! up in 5 hours - - Ashma is a good'n of course!!
And I know you would not smoke while people eat - (not that you smoke these days),
as you are one of Natures Real Gentlemen! !! (Maybe) !! LOL

Think it's time to change the thread / string / whatever - - - too much heat!!

When I was in Malta on a winter break last Feb, I was astonished just how much Dog Poo was on every street!
Luckily, I rarely ever see that in San Stefanos!
I am a dog owner and always clean up after the dogs if they dared to do it in a street, (rare), but they just leave it to rot in Malta!
The strange thing is - it's the thing we most remember!! LOL

We were discussing this at work today..... Recall Costner  - Dances with Wolves? ---- My Native American (PC) name would be Dances Round Dog POO LOL

Offline tonyco1

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2009, 09:41:16 AM »
Strange isn't it - some years you have all those stray Dogs - or owned dogs that are allowed to run around the resort and beach - yet it's extremely rare to see any dog poo!
Maybe they do the dawn patrol and clean up when collecting the rubbish!!

Talking of Rubbish - - they seem to collect daily in San Stefanos!
England = 2 weekly collections for wheely bins, which is why black bags must be best (maybe not environmentally),
It takes twice as long to empty wheelie bins, so costs more - to offset that they double collection time which leads to over-stuffed bins and fines! Summer it also = Maggots - millions of them - how is that good?

My local council sticks to black bags - so we don't get this ourselves, but our daughter suffers from the wheelie bin gestapo! I would try to get rid of any councillors who treat residents like cash-cows on this one!!
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

Offline Zimmer

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2009, 09:49:40 AM »
after my HA - which reaches its 10th anniversary next week - I noticed how much more intense flavours in food were,really far better [of course if your not careful this freeing of the taste buds can lead to other problems  :-[ ] so it seems to make sense to eat in as smell free environment as possible - after all you wouldnt perform other bodily functions in a restaurant  ;) the other point being you need to breathe through your nose while eating and having fumes go up there spoils things a bit.
It's not PC as far as I'm concerned just etuquette...always tickles me the irony of people saying "PC gone mad" about things and then complain about opinions or rudeness,thats life


Offline tonyco1

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Re: Nasty habits
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2009, 10:07:00 AM »
Been a good exchange of views this time, and I can understand how smokers feel put upon,
after all no one likes to be told by the government ''what to do'', but hopefully the smokers out there understand how and why the non-smokers hate the smoke, and bear it in mind.
Tolerence on either side is the key, and I think the 'Majority' of people know and abide by this!
It's always the odd few extremists that cause the problem!
I have to say I didn't really find it too bad this year from my point of view, in San Stefanos!
You seem to be a generally decent lot!! LOL
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1


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