Author Topic: SS Photo's  (Read 10962 times)

Offline Clare Davies

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SS Photo's
« on: August 22, 2009, 12:07:55 AM »

Here are just a few images of me & the other half in SS.
If you copy & paste the above addresss into the search bar it should work, hopefully.....................



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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2009, 12:37:03 AM »
Just clicked on link and straight through.... All I can say is you've whetted our appetites so roll on 5 weeks..... We should have just finished a Sizzling Steak and carafe of wine... Also should have met Sharris

Offline Clare Davies

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 12:52:17 AM »
Hi Don

Glad the link works, You will recognize the Sunset Taverna are they still open?

Hope the steak was good & the carafe even better!!
Is Sharris from the forum?


Offline Colin

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2009, 12:56:23 AM »
Hi Clare

I see a couple of pics of the good old Kapitanios :D I stayed there in July and loved the place :)


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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2009, 12:57:56 AM »
Hi Don

Glad the link works, You will recognize the Sunset Taverna are they still open?

Hope the steak was good & the carafe even better!!
Is Sharris from the forum?

They were in July.......... Will visit in September!

Offline Jules

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2009, 02:08:40 AM »
Thanks for those Clare. Only 7 days and we will be taking our own photos for this year.
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Offline tonyco1

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2009, 09:26:28 PM »
Hi Clare,
Nice pictures, we also sat on the same table as you this year, in the sunset Taverna, on the lower level next to the stairs, near the water feature and swing seats
We also think we have seen you in the resort sometime as we recognise your faces! Just can't rember where or when!!!
- - - - - When and where were some of the pics taken? Were they all this year as it looks a bit different - unless it's the angle!!  (I worked out most of them though), you must have used a zoom on a few of those as well I think.
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

Offline Clare Davies

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2009, 10:03:37 PM »
Some of the pictures where taken August last year when we went on our own for our wedding anniversary but some where in October of last year when we took parents with us (my mum & step dad).

They are Old Perithia & SS, my husband took them with his mobile phone. We have got thousands of pictures from over the years but I did'nt want to bore everyone as people have there own memories.

You may well have seen us, we have been going twice a year for years now and we are always out & about somewhere...................... could be once seen never forgotten......................

They do say everyone has a double...............

Will you be going again this year?


Offline tonyco1

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2009, 10:24:55 PM »
Working it out now - problem with matching up the dogs being looked after and my A/Leave dates.
Our usual one for our dogs is full  now, as we forgot to pre-book the dogs in Jan,
now our friend is booked out!! so may have another venue - waiting to see!!
So maybe S S at the end Sept and early Oct in S S or - - - - not at all and we may do a Cruise over Xmas instead.
Should know soon now!!

Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

Offline Clare Davies

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2009, 12:50:33 AM »
A cruise sounds fancy and it's nice to get some sun during our winter. Saves spending a fortune at home!!!!!!!

I must drive my husband daft about holidays as I refuse to have days off from work just to stay at home, it's much better to make use of the days by going away.

Corfu town is open all year, It would be quite elsewhere and all the locals on holiday but I wish that we could get flights Manchester to Corfu from October until May aswell.

I have seen an advert for Sugar & Almonds apartments in SS and it says all year round so I'm going to enquire while we are there.



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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2009, 02:52:28 AM »
Hi Clare,
Nice pictures, we also sat on the same table as you this year, in the sunset Taverna, on the lower level next to the stairs, near the water feature and swing seats
We also think we have seen you in the resort sometime as we recognise your faces! Just can't rember where or when!!!
- - - - - When and where were some of the pics taken? Were they all this year as it looks a bit different - unless it's the angle!!  (I worked out most of them though), you must have used a zoom on a few of those as well I think.
PARDON MONSIEUR     Typo vous ????????????????????

Offline Bubblehead and kipper

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2009, 04:06:37 PM »
Hi Clare, photos aer great, thank you, always nice to peruse although we live here but when you are working 24/7 you forget to take time out to enjoy and admire the beauty around you and often we are only going out after 1am to meet people.

Corfu is as beautiful in the winter and if we were well off we would certainly start something to cultivate "THE WINTER HOLS". The weather is great improvement and there are always blue skys and stars after the rains and very bright sunshine. We even love the storms!! Yes it is damp so the home with central heating and transportation is a must!!!! We are told that there is mild frost in the early mornimngs... but we were never up that early, unless to fly home...and we have never experienced snow although it snows in Albania 3km across from Agni!!!! and on the main land across the way.

SS is so peaceful and quiet in the winter and to enjoy this was one of our dreams when we planned to relocate, but unfortunately we had to work and ended up living in C TOWN for two winters.

"Alternative Tourism" could be the name of the game in winter hols, there are loads to do, historical outings, walking...without the cows chasing you in the rains and cold... etc and a nice glass of Ozo with mezzi after, there is organised walking by Hillary of the Corfiot English Mag. in the winter time, fishing etc. There are many festivals/carnivals and important celebrations, weddings, christening, name days and not to be missed the fantastic Easter cels which are huge and unforgetable, more like our xmas but with all the processions including that of "Saint Spiridon" etc. ending in family feast on the Sunday.
We could go on for ever, follow your heart and do the winter thing, just be prepared and know that it is completely different from the sun, sea and sand of the summer season but still very beautiful and enjoyable.!!!! and the weather more uplifting than the U.K at that time of the year for those of us who want blue sky and sun and longer brighter days.
Corfu Town is vibrant and plenty of time to enjoy the shops, old market and coffee at the Liston without thousands of tourists and more so the very hot weather(there is an ice skiting ring too in the park at the end of the carnival in FEB/M. Most importantly, if you stay in SS, the village Avliotes is open all year round and it is really nice to enjoy the people and real village culture and lifestyle too!!! In SS Town Pizza opens at weekends and we are not sure about OZ Oil and Sun Set Tavern, o yes Bar 38 and 3w opens ?daily too!! :)
Lastly Easyjet starts in March and we usually travel with Olympic/Agean via Athens and find flights much cheaper than most of the Charters we have done end May/Oct school hols week and have managed to get the 2 hour transfer time too, not to Manchester but all together not bad. ;D.

Hope this is helpful!!!!

Ps... regarding your pic of the  Kapitanios, a family who is staying there read about us on the Forum (thanks TONYCOOL!!! LONG TIME, 8)), came in to purchase snorkeling gear and said they had the fish BBQ last night- absolutely devine- and enjoyed taking most of their meals there... it was red mullet without bones..Don da man,.... just thought we would get your mouth/s watering, BAB!!



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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2009, 05:48:13 PM »
Hi Clare, photos aer great, thank you, always nice to peruse although we live here but when you are working 24/7 you forget to take time out to enjoy and admire the beauty around you and often we are only going out after 1am to meet people.

Corfu is as beautiful in the winter and if we were well off we would certainly start something to cultivate "THE WINTER HOLS". The weather is great improvement and there are always blue skys and stars after the rains and very bright sunshine. We even love the storms!! Yes it is damp so the home with central heating and transportation is a must!!!! We are told that there is mild frost in the early mornimngs... but we were never up that early, unless to fly home...and we have never experienced snow although it snows in Albania 3km across from Agni!!!! and on the main land across the way.

SS is so peaceful and quiet in the winter and to enjoy this was one of our dreams when we planned to relocate, but unfortunately we had to work and ended up living in C TOWN for two winters.

"Alternative Tourism" could be the name of the game in winter hols, there are loads to do, historical outings, walking...without the cows chasing you in the rains and cold... etc and a nice glass of Ozo with mezzi after, there is organised walking by Hillary of the Corfiot English Mag. in the winter time, fishing etc. There are many festivals/carnivals and important celebrations, weddings, christening, name days and not to be missed the fantastic Easter cels which are huge and unforgetable, more like our xmas but with all the processions including that of "Saint Spiridon" etc. ending in family feast on the Sunday.
We could go on for ever, follow your heart and do the winter thing, just be prepared and know that it is completely different from the sun, sea and sand of the summer season but still very beautiful and enjoyable.!!!! and the weather more uplifting than the U.K at that time of the year for those of us who want blue sky and sun and longer brighter days.
Corfu Town is vibrant and plenty of time to enjoy the shops, old market and coffee at the Liston without thousands of tourists and more so the very hot weather(there is an ice skiting ring too in the park at the end of the carnival in FEB/M. Most importantly, if you stay in SS, the village Avliotes is open all year round and it is really nice to enjoy the people and real village culture and lifestyle too!!! In SS Town Pizza opens at weekends and we are not sure about OZ Oil and Sun Set Tavern, o yes Bar 38 and 3w opens ?daily too!! :)
Lastly Easyjet starts in March and we usually travel with Olympic/Agean via Athens and find flights much cheaper than most of the Charters we have done end May/Oct school hols week and have managed to get the 2 hour transfer time too, not to Manchester but all together not bad. ;D.

Hope this is helpful!!!!

Ps... regarding your pic of the  Kapitanios, a family who is staying there read about us on the Forum (thanks TONYCOOL!!! LONG TIME, 8)), came in to purchase snorkeling gear and said they had the fish BBQ last night- absolutely devine- and enjoyed taking most of their meals there... it was red mullet without bones..Don da man,.... just thought we would get your mouth/s watering, BAB!!

ice skiting ring /color]   WOW!!!! A Wolverhampton keyboard! See you soon xx

Offline tonyco1

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2009, 10:14:00 PM »
I would love to live there - just worried that it's simply too quiet for me in the winter.
Still - the whole summer - yes!! - I like the sun and just not sure about a whole wet winter!!
I was wondering, Bubbles - -how do you manage to top up your sun-tan if you work such long hours in the shop? LOL
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

Offline Bubblehead and kipper

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Re: SS Photo's
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2009, 10:42:35 PM »
You little monkey Tonycool, just wait till I get hold of ya..... you are going to :'(, seriously!!! are you forgetting about multitasking???

Yes, know what you mean, it is wonderful to live in Corfu but it is always fantistic to "GO HOME" to the U.K and to know you have the option to. One always need to get off a small Island frequently and it can be worked to get the best of both places.

Last year was a rainy winter but with lots of sunshine and blue skys and we are told was unusual and that the winters are usually mild and warm.


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