Can't believe your month here has gone already! Poor you - I really could sympathise with you. It was me in plaster last year - the hottest months of July and August last year. Hope I don't have to do that again - ever.
Sorry to have missed your other half - and pleased he
didn't have a night out with Nikos as per the night of 3 years ago

I think on that night - or actually it was daylight when they came home - your man tried to get in the wrong apartment while Nikos came home and made one heck of a noise as he tried to make me a cup of tea. I had been sound asleep.
I ended up with a flower stuck in my tea cup instead of in a little vase! ( I believe he was trying to be romantic!

). He then proceeded to lie down across the bottom of the bed, crushing my feet in the process which ended up with me yelling at him about the state he was in - and him telling me to be careful as he'd been having a meeting with his new lawyer - and a top lawyer at that! He got into bed - the right way up - and fell asleep. A little while later he got up and started fumbling with the curtains ( just about pulled them down ), opened the shutters and walked out onto the balcony. He was apparently looking for the loo which I would say is normally located inside the building - not on the flippin' balcony ! He said he had been sleepwalking - I said he was p...ed!
It was more funny the next day though and laugh about it now.
Anyway at least you got around the the parties etc - and I must say I thought your outfit - especially your footwear - at the beach party was very