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corfu airport facilities

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--- Quote from: H A S on September 21, 2009, 08:58:18 PM ---Hi the airport at corfu now has improved 100% to what it was 10 years ago it was just a tin shed you got
of the plane and had to walk into airport only 1 carasell had to wait up to 1 and qaurter hours for cases
if your flight was delayed at night nothing was open you could not get food or drinks.
airside had hardly any seats and you walked out the door and got on your plane'
Regards Harry

--- End quote ---
We first went in '83, but it still seemed to work - they then skimp on money for the re-build and it's still almost as bad!
BUT - we see it as part of the holiday challenge!! Seems to have a little of it's own character - but a lot of other countries and destinations make it seem 50 years old!!


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