Afternoon All,
Before I sit down to watch the Welsh beat the Scots in Cardiff this afternoon

I need some assistance from you knowledgeable folks out there.
On top of our regular fortnight in San Stef in July my wife and I are having an extra week in May because I was recently 50, my wife is 50 when we're there and we have been married 25 years this June. But we've never been to San Stef in May before so what's it like?
Do I have to worry about mozzies?
What can we expect weather wise - day and evening?
What's the night-time temperature?
How busy is it?
Will much be open e.g. all the taverna's, water parks?
How warm is the sea then?
Questions, questions. Ther'e probably more but I can't think of any at the mo.
Thanks in advance for the help.