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Topics - tonyco1

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Just say when you are going and arrange to meet!

Hi all - - - Please can any Visitors for the new Season - give their information Reports here:

A) Firstly any confirmed changes to the resort,
B) Who's doing Sunbeds and where on the beach,

C)Most importantly, owing to the Greek Economy Crisis - Prices for 2010;
1) Beer
2) Meals
3) Apartments
4) General shopping
5) Excursions
6) Car Hire
7) Bike or Quadbike Hire

D) Resort News - who's open / closed etc.

So c'mon you first visitors - we all wait with interest for the first on-site reports!

Out and About / Which part of the Beach do you prefer to stay on?
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:14:03 AM »
We tend to use Spiros and Donna's Sun-loungers which last year were in front of the Havana.

San Stefanos news and views / What is your Favourite way to Book
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:02:11 AM »
What is the most popular or best value way to have a holiday in San Stefanos? - you choose!
NOTE: For Thomsons - include the other TUi members - i.e PORTLAND, DIRECT Etc.

Well I enjoy a go!

My signature tune is ''Dance the Night away'', by the Mavericks - or me actually!!

I like the fun songs - Not so into Rat-Pack or Elvis.

We did this Last Year!

Lets keep an eye on the Euro and see if it's going to be good to us this 2010 Holiday!

I was quoted locally,

€1.108    - - what is it going for in your neck of the woods

San Stefanos news and views / Cash Machines in San Stefanos 2010
« on: March 03, 2010, 02:49:19 AM »
I thought we should revive this one again to give people info:

If anyone knows of other Cash Machines - please update the posting!

I made an arrangement on my Bank account - to have free (no charges) withdrawals from oversea's cash machines.
Please check this and try to obtain similar - saves lots of cash.
(Note: some foreign banks still make a small charge anyway - which is of course morally wrong! - but you won't get hit twice).

In San Stefanos - - Outside the main door of the Thomas Bay Hotel.
Arillas - - on the T-Junction from San Stefanos - where you turn right to go to the beach (which is 100metres ahead).
Avliotes - - I believe so - but not sure - anyone know??
Sidari - - Several Cash Machines along the one-way section where the shops are, you can't miss them!!.

So who thinks what footwear will be cool this year to wear to the beach and day-time
and to wear at night? Men and Women - just how many shoes do you pack??

Me:- Recently I have cut right down to the basics - Crocs (lightweight) for the beach and around Town - daytime!
Boat shoes for the evenings / with or without socks - long trousers or Shorts - cuts right down on the weight in the case.

Linda:- years ago - when you could - would take shoes for every outfit - now it's around 3-4 pairs.
Croc's or sandals for days, heels or small heels for the evenings, couple of choices in colours that go with most outfits
and just a couple of handbags to match!

So what do the rest of you and the younger set wear?

San Stefanos news and views / San Stefanos and Annual Travel Insurance
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:00:19 AM »
We have an Annual travel Insurance deal given with my bank account, combined with car recovery for any car I happen to be in.
Not bad for £11.44 a month, when I was previously paying £10 monthly just for car recovery, plus around £100 for annual Travel Insurance on top. The Bank contacted me last November and I read through and took it.

Later on I read the small print on the Travel Insurance.
One thing caught my eye, from this year - this company will not cover you if you ride on a quad bike and get injured.
It's ok to ride on a Bike or scooter up to 125cc, but not a quad bike.

I phoned them and asked about it, they said that all the Travel Insurance Policies are starting to change and put this clause in.
It seems that quad bikes have lots more accidents than any other type of hire vehicle.

So check your policy, because it's one thing that can lose you, your payout if you are unlucky with an accident.
I also had to declare all our medical problems past and present from a list - nothing too unusual there.
I wasn't given a loading even though I have tablets now to keep my blood pressure to the right level, and mild ashma.

However, if I had not declared this, there would be no claim if things went wrong, if the claim could possibly be related in any way.
Now every one knows how devious Insurance Companies are when a claim goes in, in an effort not to pay out, so take my tip - - -
take 5 mins to inform them of anything you have see the doctor for, or you may pay the price when a claim goes in.

Especially check any restrictions on things like quad bikes.

San Stefanos news and views / San Stefanos Word Association
« on: February 01, 2010, 05:59:53 AM »
Ok and with thanks to Swedebasher, who had the original idea in the Yammas Bar, which is real fun.
So lets also try a San Stefanos "Word-Association" stream here. This is a FUN post just like the one in the Yammas bar,
so everyone feel free to do your thing. It's here because it has to be S S related.
It must be San Stefanos Related, you can use up to "two-words" with a hyphen.
Names are allowed, but what ever it is - (and it can be a touch loose), there must be a connection somewhere, (explain if you want).

Ok - - I'll start;






Ok  - lets see if this goes as well as Swedebashers - - -   
carry on from   "Stefanos"

I was wondering if the Bad Storms that Robbed Arillas of its Beach last year, will reverse the Damage or make it worse this year?
Also San Stef Beach had lots of it's sand moved around the corner to the Nudie beach section, will it all change again?
Any thoughts, especially from those living there?

I think we can see more of Last Years Fashion to a degree.
The Eastern Europeans will be in Speedos
The German's will be in Speedos
The Italians will be wearing lots of classy gold chains and fitted Swimmers.
The older Greeks will be in big speedos - the younger ones in nice styled shorts.
The Brits will generally be either in Baggy Long Shorts, some with the Union Jack design,
or classy looking designer gear.
The Stoke Mob will be in Red striped Foottie Shirts and Shorts, and change into "Man-kini's" on the Beach!! LOL

Thongs / mono-kini's (Pppleeeeeassssseeeeee!!)

I'll let someone else do the ladies fashion this time!!

Hi All - I know this is started / posted in the 3rd week of January'10 - but maybe we can build on this as we approach the Summer.

I am sure that the regulars would like to know of any changes that may be happening in the Village for the 2010 Season.
So - has anyone heard anything - (especially to those who are in the resort over the winter) - has anyone noticed:
1) - any new building
2) - anything that has closed up
3) - any rumours of any changes
Any new Marriages, Births, (hopefully no deaths)??
For my part - I hope all are well and healthy in the resort, and life is treating you well!

This is a subject we don’t actually like talking about!!!!!

Ever wondered about the pedal bin by each toilet? (Note: there are a few exceptions to this - but 90% of rooms / Apt's are as below).

The Amazing Toilets of Corfu - this is information you will need to know about!
This is a quick guide for the uninitiated – of the strange system of Toiletry Hygiene in Corfu and some of the other Islands of Greece.
Right – now this info below came from an original info sheet from the resort. All the apartments are the same as far as I know
(Crazy Building Reg's.) - This is not a wind up !!! Only a handful of Buildings have upgraded to bigger sewer pipes.

Previous visitors to Corfu may remember the following:-
    The Sewer Pipes of Corfu are less than 4 inches in diameter – this compares to the 10 inch pipes of the UK.
    The Sewer Pipes mainly lead to a ‘type’ of individual septic tank – not main sewers as we are used to in the UK.
    This basically means that what you flush down the toilet is very limited in material and size – or it blocks the sewers.
    All apartments in Corfu usually warn customers not to put toilet paper down the toilet,
        certainly no Ladies ‘pads’ etc….. these items swell in water and block the sewers.

They usually ask you to put all toilet paper into the pedal bin next to the toilet! (Yuk! - not quite what we are used to!!).

    A blocked sewer caused by a guest will result in a charge of around €80 usually.
    A lined pedal bin is supplied in each Apartment’s Bathroom for guests to place their Toilet paper.
    It is changed daily and is quite the normal thing for the locals to deal with.
      - - -  Don’t feel any embarrassment over this practice – it’s normal working over in Corfu.

I suggest you do the same as us, as it’s quite alien for us Brits, (most Europeans in fact,) NOT to put toilet paper down the Loo.
but - as I nearly ‘copped’ a charge one year, I am now more careful.
I was lucky (but embarrassed), - as it cleared with a hose and didn’t need jetting or rodding out. I don’t risk it any more!!!!

This is the method we adopted:
We buy baby wipes from a Supermarket and place them in the Loo, as they clean easily.

Use baby wipes and then toilet paper to finish off your cleaning, placing the ‘slightly’ soiled papers/wipes into a Nappy sack first
then into the pedal bin, or directly into the Bib provided.

Sorry – a bit tongue in cheek – (or wipe in cheek - LOL)
but worth thinking about as it’s a good compromise to blocking the toilet up.

San Stefanos news and views / When are you going to San Stefanos in 2010?
« on: November 30, 2009, 08:02:34 PM »
I Think we ned to start a new Post for this now!

We will be there in the first two weeks of Sept 2010,
so who can I expect to meet up with from the forum?
It will be really nice to say "Hello & Yammas" to any of you Stefofiles who will be there then,
in the magic land of San Stefanos!! LOL

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San Stefanos

Where to eat Cafés and Bars Holiday Info Tourist info

Local Walks

Walk to Arillas Walk to AG Georgios Walk to Afionas Walk to Porto Timoni