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Messages - cannedfool

Pages: 1 [2]
San Stefanos news and views / Re: Currency
« on: August 03, 2009, 08:14:14 PM »
thompsons will price match any quote you find i think (within reason ie they wouldnt do a quote from one shop in london for my parents - they do live in north yorkshire)

San Stefanos news and views / Re: wow
« on: August 01, 2009, 02:45:58 PM »
my 5 weeks just cant come quick enough.  :'(

Information and help please / Snorkeling
« on: July 18, 2009, 10:27:13 PM »
So this is one of my favourite past times. Is there anywhere in san stef to indulge one of my out door passions?


So im new to and i have spent a lot of time in the past few days reading the posts. As long running webmaster of a number of forums (as long as my 24 year life will let me) there are only a few things ide change.

1) General Chat Board

This forum really needs a place were the long term/Active members can post what ever they like. Everyone seems to like a little banter but many complain about hijacked threads. With a place for people to just chat and have fun it would mean that more important posts may not get lost in the mix.

2) Website updates

I understand our webmaster may not have all the time in the world to edit the site. One thing i do find is there's a lot of information on the boards which would be very useful on the site. I know 90% of my questions were answered here rather that itself.  Who ever the web master is ide guess he/she has a few friends here who might help. Most questions are answered here anyway so it wouldn't be that hard to update the pages.

(on a personal note, upgrade to SMF v2 its much more stable (even being a beta) and has a wide range of quality features. I know it says not for production sites but honestly i have upgraded a few sites and its well worth it. OW and touch wood i have had no sql/hacking attacks).

3) Gallery

I'm sure that many of you have amazing photos of ss, some you may wish to share. A simple mySQL gallery would enhance a greater sense of community here. Ide like to see picture of people having fun in SS (if only to give more appeal to people like myself who have never been). Also it would mean if i saw you out and about in SS ide know who you are and maybe make a new friend.

I have nothing really negative to say about these forums. In-fact they are the reason im coming to SS, you dont often find this much information about other resorts. I think this section of the forums could be used to better the experience of users. You don't have to be part of the community if you don't want, so try to be constructive and accept others opinions for what they are.

Sorry for the essay, as i say, i know im new and so my opinion is maybe not as well respected as some. Just think, would i say this to someone's face in real life?

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Re: Vegies
« on: July 18, 2009, 09:36:25 PM »
The 'San Stefanos fuss' is a bit of an oxymoron.

Sorry, I've always liked that word but never had the chance to use it before !!

What I mean is the fuss is about an overall sense of well-being and fusslessness ( if that's what you want of course!)

I think I've just made up the word fusslessness but that has a nice feel to it too !

If you want it in San Stef, you will find it, whatever 'it' may be. How much of 'it' will depend on you.

you did just wanted something to post didnt you?  :D

Thanks for the response Don, hopefully she will be ok.

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Re: Vegies
« on: July 15, 2009, 10:40:58 PM »
so we got our ar..'s into gear and were booked up for the 7th of September. Cant wait. The only problem we have is our stupid flight home at 4am on the following Tuesday. Ow well. Cant wait to see what all the fuss is about.

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Re: Vegies
« on: July 14, 2009, 04:21:46 PM »
She's not a vegan, I don't think I could cope with that.

Cheese pies seem the way forward for lunch. I'm sure we will survive.

Now to barter with Thomas cook

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Re: Vegies
« on: July 14, 2009, 01:34:18 PM »
Thanks for the replies, unfortunately she doesn't eat fish (ow how it would make my life easier). Everything you have said is quite helpful, seems like everyone to do with SS is 8). Thanks very much for your information. Looks like we might come and see what all the fuss is about ;D

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Vegies
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:12:52 AM »
Hi all,

After reading the site for a few hours, should really join the partner in bed, i found some really good information about SS.

I have been to Corfu a few times a few years back (in my teens) and personally i love the food (will always remember my first piece of veal in a restaurant near the cricket green in Corfu town). I'm currently looking to return on my partners first real holiday abroad. The big problem being she's a vegi.

Apart from the obvious tzatziki (gimme, gimme, gimme) and greek salad (im sure she would eat this a good 5 out of the 7 days). Do you think i would be hard pressed to keep her fed? I know it sounds silly but this is my first real holiday planned by myself and don't want her to go hungry. 

Also, while im here. We are currently looking at Kapetanios Apartments, i can only see glowing reviews of this place along with SS. Is there anything we should be aware of? Were both around 24 and understand SS is quite quiet (hopefully not shut in September). Were not after BANGING music and tearing up the town until 6am but a few glasses of wine until midnight/1am would be nice.

Any advice would be appreciated and who knows you may see you on the beach soon.



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