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Messages - Jimbo

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San Stefanos news and views / Re: Smoking in Tavernas
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:09:05 AM »
Without entering the debate again, Frankie, which I don't want to do, people eat at different times. Some people may be on the Metaxa (spelling) and fags when others are arriving.

Nafsika, apart from excellent food, has a very large non-smoking area, which I commend to those who find the smell of tobacco more irritating than the pervasive smell of cheap perfume, mosquito repellent and barbecue lighter-fuel.

As Andy pointed out, Little Prince tried this and had several empty tables for the night.

I have always been, and will always be, sensitive to the wishes of those nearby.

I know. I saw Waspman on his. The engine was struggling a bit, but it coped.


San Stefanos news and views / Re: Smoking in Tavernas
« on: September 19, 2013, 11:23:11 PM »
Don't ask sellsy. You won't like the reply.

San Stefanos news and views / Re: Smoking in Tavernas
« on: September 18, 2013, 11:39:40 PM »

It would be sad if you were to leave. There is no "gang mentality" here. What there is a lively expression of opinion. I get loads of stick, because I'll usually say what I think is true.

It's called democracy - an idea invented by the ancient Greeks.

There are two separate things in this forum:

(1) Somebody asking a question about (say) an apartment. They will get one or many experienced and objective responses. We all try to be helpful, and have been.

(2) Somebody starting an "opinion" thread, like this one. If you do that you can expect, not just here, but in many forums, to find that not everybody rides on your hobby-horse. There will be "fors" and "againsts."  It's important to keep a sense of humour and recognise that we do not always agree about everything. That's what keeps the forum going over the winter when we'd all rather be sitting on a beach. You cannot reasonably expect not to be challenged.

Many of us have heated exchanges on the forum, but will happily meet up and chew the fat (sometimes literally) in Agios Stephanos, have a hug and a drink, and enjoy life. That's the essence of being away from it all in a nice place: we forget political and other divisions and just enjoy the company and some life-experience sharing.

Please continue to take part in the fun.


San Stefanos news and views / Re: Smoking in Tavernas
« on: September 18, 2013, 06:41:23 PM »
I usually have a shirt on to hide the huge muscles I have on my chest. They're so huge that 50% of ants can't climb up them if they're having a bad day.

Confronted with a load of low-life at a nearby table it may be simpler to ask to move rather than have a confrontation, I guess. If you asked me, I would probably ask to move, but in the meantime would smile nicely, stub it out, and raise a glass of friendship. Not all smokers are thugs, and not all non-smokers are miserable buggers!

San Stefanos news and views / Re: Smoking in Tavernas
« on: September 18, 2013, 04:15:54 PM »
Oh God - that's ruled me out on two counts!

There's a limit to what you can get on quad bike, debra. Last time Tony Cox hired one Linda had to walk!

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Re: Little Prince.
« on: September 18, 2013, 01:01:00 AM »
Sainsbury's Merlot, right now! Local San Stef plonk in nine days time... :-)

Thanks, debra. That's what the men in white coats tell me.

Information and help please / Re: Tsaros
« on: September 17, 2013, 02:37:35 AM »
The wife reports average but passable ( the hairdryers not me)

Are you sure about this, Gavin? Could this be an unconscious reference to a latent relationship problem?

Information and help please / Re: Tsaros
« on: September 17, 2013, 02:25:32 AM »
How would he know? Last time Gavin tried to have sex with one it turned him down!

San Stefanos news and views / Re: Problem with San Stef Travel
« on: September 17, 2013, 02:23:08 AM »
I don't think Noula would be carelessly rude. Her anger is with the bus driver. If the trip left from Ag Stef it should return you there.

Being the driver, or the bus company's manager, at the end of the phone from Noula later would have been like sitting behind a 747 warming its engines up.

Haven't been in the new posh mini-bus yet. I rather liked being driven in a proper Greek rattling vehicle by any one of three beautiful women - it reminded of the old days when you counted the wheels before you got on. Do we really want an air-conditioned theme-park Greece?

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Re: Little Prince.
« on: September 17, 2013, 02:00:40 AM »
Never been there. Tried to look at the pool once but was told to piss off. Fantastic PR.

Alexander The Great took over most of the then-known world, and as Kostas appears to be trying to take over most of the beach-bed kingdom I will think of him as that.

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Re: Delfino Blu.................
« on: September 17, 2013, 01:56:25 AM »
Cheap, I call it. I don't moan about pound-shop perfume wafting over my kebab.

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Re: Little Prince.
« on: September 17, 2013, 01:52:17 AM »
I try sometimes to populate Ag Stef with Greek gods, goddesses, heroes and heroines. It is sensitive thing, best not revealed. Each taverna is its own little Mount Olympus.

At Little Prince, Dimitris is obviously Zeus, his commanding presence with his powerful order-pad poised. Pipinna has to be Athena - beautiful, intelligent, an ironic smile as she raises her eyebrow at an overfull-ashtray or yet another jug of krassi. Mixalis (Mike) is Hermes, dashing through the tables with the sizzling steak in a miasma of steam.

At Nafsika there are no visible gods, but you can eat under the guidance of Socrates, and buy Kleopatra a drink.

At Mistral, Aphrodite will serve you.

At O Manthos, Poseidon  will tell you very long stories.

Such is the joy. We go from our dismal northern regions and kiss the feet of the gods. We dare to dip our toes in the blue ocean which saw the ships sail forth to Troy. We bask in the rays of the sun that shone on Odysseus, Agamemnon and Theseus. We sit in the Condor Bar and listen to people singing strange ancient modes. We are transported to a realm above our mundane lives.

EDIT: From to Jimbo: "Thank you for your brochure suggestion. Unfortunately, our marketing team has decided to stick with the beach and 'only two rooms left' policy. If you are having problems with Greek gods, our reps are always available to help." 

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