Author Topic: Winding down  (Read 63957 times)

Offline Jimbo

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Winding down
« on: October 02, 2011, 11:21:37 AM »
Things are starting to get quieter, now. On Thursday the beach was very busy, but after Friday's mass exodus there were far fewer people around yesterday. Mango Bar is progressively removing sunbeds and stacking them up ready for winter storage.

The record dry and hot summer continues into autumn. We've had no wind and no rain all week and the forecast is currently for another five or six clear days. Nights are noticeably cooler - light sweater needed.

It's unlikely that Zorba's will stay open for more than a day or two, according to Vasillis. They've stopped dancing already. Beachcombers will be staying open to the end of season.

We went to Ereikusa island on the boat trip. Fantastic views of the sandstone cliffs on the way to Sidari. The island is rather strange. Almost all the houses are shut up - looks like people just use it as a summer resort. Just two cafes open, although one was closed for a funeral wake. The funeral cortege went past while we were having lunch in the other cafe: the black coffin was on the back of a white pick-up, draped with flowers. The two principal women mourners led the procession - maybe thirty people all dressed in black, followed by cars, trucks, mopeds and amazingly enough, several quad bikes!

The island is quite small - much smaller than Mathraki -but has superb concrete roads everywhere, with the inevitable "Built By Europe" blue board to explain where a bit of the Greek national debt went. Nice boat trip - about half an hour to Sidari to pick up grockles, and then an hour to Ereikusa.

Back here in Ag Stef, Spiros is practically dragging passers-by into the Havana Bar in a bid to grab as many Euros as possible before the season ends - or the Euro ends, whichever comes first.

Despite the fantastic weather it has not been a good season. People have not been spending much money and the tavernas' takings have been significantly down at the same time as the taxes have gone up. Views vary on the future, but I get the impression that most people think it's when rather if that Greece will default.

End of season or not, watching football in the Athens Bar remains a loud and highly amusing way to spend an evening. The long summer sun has not induced much in the way of sanity on Nikos!

Also amusing was last night in Little Prince. Little Alex and tall Spiros now have this routine where Alex jumps and locks his legs around Spiros' waist and Spiros spins around and around so that Alex flies with his arms out. Last night Spiros was not there, so Dimitris deputised. He came dancing out to cheers and whistles, and Alex duly took off and attempted to latch on to Dimitris. Unfortunately they had failed to do the great tape-measure test before attempting this life-threatening performance. The floor is made of rather unforgiving hard marble. Dimitris is, let's say, more generous of girth than the six foot slender Spiros, and little Alex's legs are only so long. How we gasped as Dimitris started to swing Alex around, not seeing what we could see, that Alex couldn't cross his ankles! For a moment Alex seemed doomed to head-butt the marble tiles, and only frantic scrambling by Dimitris and others saved the lad from at least a serious headache.

"Dimitris tried to kill me tonight!" little Alex said mournfully, later on. I suspect he'll be doing a Tevez and refusing to come off the bench if the boss asks him to give it another try.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 06:24:26 PM by Jimbo »

Offline Denise

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2011, 02:42:29 PM »
Really enjoyed reading this Jimbo . Thanks.

Offline dibully

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2011, 06:09:38 PM »
Brilliant Jimbo wish we could have been at Ltiitle Prince to see the floor show :o

Offline tonyco1

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2011, 07:24:50 PM »
Nice one Jim, this will be my last read for 3 weeks as we are off to India!
(Real Indian Summer - probably rain!! LOL).
Happy Days in Agios Stefanos, Avliotes, Corfu!! TonyCo1

Offline Rod

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2011, 10:40:47 PM »

Great review as normal Jimbo.  I seemed to have a tear in my eye towards the end as it appeared to be a some what "final" report to the end of the season.

Offline Jimbo

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2011, 12:51:22 AM »
It's getting darker earlier now, so people are eating earlier. Excellent sofrito at Nafsika this evening, but at 11:30 all tavernas are closing down for the night. Silver Star cleaning up. 'Two Stars' now closed. Little Prince now closed.

Bit busy at the new surgery opposite Little Prince in the old glass shop. Doctor Mitropolous, who is a very nice man, balding, tall, slightly camp walk, is apparently doing good business. Dimitris swears he's breeding mosquitoes behind the surgery and sending them out to whip up some trade.

Despite the economic uncertainty everybody seems to be in cheerful spirit as the curtain descends on a long and very hot show, and the prospect of a few months with family grows ever closer.

Offline debra

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2011, 12:51:10 AM »
great read jumbo - thank you

Offline Jules

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2011, 01:11:51 AM »
great read jumbo - thank you
Is that due to all the gorgeous food and wine  lol!!!!!! :)
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Offline Sandra W

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2011, 01:33:43 AM »
Jimbo... We'll never look at you in the same way... Jumbo = Priceless
Living the life: Loving the life: Dreaming of San Stef !

Offline Jimbo

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2011, 09:58:34 AM »
Actually, my normally perfectly flat stomach has expanded somewhat as a result of indulging in Mythos and Greek Grub, so Jumbo is a bit more apt than usual.

It was very quiet last night. Ozzy Oils and Paradise appear to be closed. Little Prince closed at 11pm, 2 Star soon after, and Silver Star only had two people in at 11:15. Barras looked quiet from the vantage point of Tasty Corner, where we met Dr Mitropoulos, who beamed as he told us he's leaving to go home to Athens on Friday.

Still, another beautiful calm sunny day has dawned. More beach beds have been removed, but I'm sure there'll be one for us!

Offline Gillywoo

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2011, 02:55:18 PM »

Great report, we have never been in San Stef later than October 2nd so its good to read about how the town winds down for winter. We will miss you by a few hours next Friday (14th October) when we fly out for the weekend but will continue with your 'Winding Down' report in your absence!

Gill and I are currently soaking up the sun in Lanzarote, here the season is still in full swing although as in Greece the Restaurants tend to be half empty.

Friends think we are mad flying back to Liverpool from Lanzarote next Thursday driving to Manchester then getting the early Thomson flight to Corfu on Friday, but hey it was a choice between a weekend in dull Blighty or a weekend in San contest!

Playa Blanca in Lanzarote is great but it isnt San Stef., for the first time ever we had a few days in an All Inclusive when we arrived on Sunday and we just didnt like it, despite being a 5* Hotel the food was strangely bland and the atmosphere in the restaurant non existant, it was like being in a school canteen.

We both found ourselves longing for the Greek Taverna experience with its excellent food and marvellous ambiance, we would have given anything for a slice of Saganaki followed by a Sizzling Steak, people who always go A.I. dont know what they are missing.

We are spending the next week in a Villa in Playa Blanca and have found a Greek Taverna just half a mile away ;D

Give our regards to Dimitri and ask him to reserve our table on Friday 14th!!


Offline Jimbo

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2011, 06:18:21 PM »
4:30 Friday 7th October.

More to Andy and Gill later...

Clouds are moving in from the south on a gentle breeze. Couple of rain showers late morning, with more forecast over the weekend. Good excuse for people to sit around and natter. No pressure to hit the beach or climb the hills. It was very quiet everywhere last night. At 8:30 we had a wander before supper and there were zero people eating at Sunset, four at Thomas Bay, five at Barras, two at Tasty Corner, and eighty-three at Little Prince! I think as the number of people shrinks, more and more don't want to sit in lonely splendour in an empty restaurant, so they gather where the action is most obvious.

Little Alex's family had come to watch his last dance of the season last night, and the Finnish group at Little Prince were enjoying their last Sizzling Steak before going back to dig up reindeer or whatever it is they dig up to eat in the encroaching darkness of winter. Much cheerful crocodile dancing through the restaurant, but everybody tucked up before midnight.

The sunbeds are steadily leaving the beach to go off and hibernate. Just one long thin Maginot Line of brollies bravely flying a flag of hope for just one more memory of summer - one more chance to catch a bit of sun. The straw-topped brollies we like outside Mango were dug up days ago.

Zorbas will close as soon as the rain goes away in a couple of days. They can't clean with rain coming, and better weather is probably coming. No dancing.

The buses have been going rather than coming so far today. Half the population of Helsinki departed Little Prince at three o'clock. Seconds later the Pool Bar closed. Chances are 99% that Little Prince will close on the 14th, leaving only Andy and Gill in occupation, like the Tsar and Tsarina of Russia in lonely exile in an abandoned château. We expect a final report before the door finally shuts on summer 2011.

Lightning is searing the sky over the hill past Romanza and thunder is booming across the bay. Tables have been moved from exposed positions. Sheets of plastic are being reeled down. The sea has gone from blue to steel-grey, although a shaft of sunlight is glowing over Othoni.

So - tonight - a pie at Tasty Corner before going to the Athens Bar to watch England play their approximation to football. Let's hope heavy rain and power cuts don't kill the satellite feed, although, come to think of it, that might be a mercy!

There's a kind of sweet sadness to it. Yammas!   

Offline Richard/Jackie/Nathan

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2011, 07:28:55 PM »
Give our regards to Nikos!!!

Offline maureen

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2011, 07:49:13 PM »
Went to San Stefanos for first time in June loved it so much we will be back next year.
We found your post very interesting. It was lovely to hear how every one is doing, and brought back lots of good memories. Counting down the months weeks and days to when we come back next year.

Offline Jimbo

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Re: Winding down
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2011, 07:57:49 PM »
Give our regards to Nikos!!!

Will try to! I think Nikos talks more than he listens!


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