Author Topic: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!  (Read 24939 times)


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Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:14:26 PM »
Right booked my holiday with Thomsons staying at the Tsaros for June.

Didnt realise until I'd booked that it didnt give me the option to reserve seats.

Then realised that we were actually going to be flying with Jet2.

Rang Thomsons to see how I pre book seats (you can normally select your actual seat up to 90 days ahead if flying with Thomson airlines. Jet2 allow you to select your seats at time of booking no matter how far in advance it is)

Thomson told me that I cant pay to book seats and all I can do is ring Jet2 7 days before departure to select my seats!!
Now seeing as we're taking a 2 year old with us we need to be sat together. If all folk who've booked with Jet2 select their seats at point of booking then there will be a distinct lack of seats to pick from!!!

Has anyone experienced this when Thomson 'sub contract' out your flights?

Also does anyone have a phone number for Thomsons in the UK and not the number that goes through to some call centre in India?!

Offline lilly

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 11:54:47 PM »
Hi Gav, wow, you have received total lack of customer service, the fact is that you booked with Thomsons whether they are using another airline for the flight is irrelevent, your contract is with Thomsons. There is a number for queries and booking an holiday but not sure if this is an Indian call centre too ( 0871 231 4691), I have used it in the past and it was based in UK then, even though I had already booked my holiday I used this number for enquries etc because I knew they  would answer with the prospect of a new booking and once you get through ask to speak with the manager.
I would ring jet2 if I was you and see if they can help afterall the facility of booking seats was available at time of booking whether you realised it or not so it must still be available now, I cannot see why you would have to wait 7 days before departure.

Offline Georgie2002

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 02:38:31 AM »
I found the Thomson Facebook page very good to complain on, they're very quick to respond! I imagine you have to "like" the page to do so though which could be painful considering your experience!!


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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 02:48:51 AM »
Cheers love!!!!

Found a Trip Advisor thread about it from last year.

Basically Thomsons don't send the passenger list through till 7 days prior to departure to Jet2 so theoretically although you have a seat they dont know who you are till then!!!


That's the number I've rang..... I'll try the Facebook page!!

Offline Rover

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2013, 11:32:00 AM »
Well, on the same day that I read about your problems with seat booking, I get a call from Thomson advising me that I have not pre booked our flight seats, and we should consider doing so to "ensure we had adjacent seats"! We never do pre book, but have never been contacted about it before. They also asked if I had thought about how I was getting to the airport.
I suspect they are looking to increase revenue? We declined both offers.

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2013, 04:48:28 PM »
They did the same with us last year. Contacted me 3 times trying to get me to pre book seats.

Out of our party of 32, nobody pre booked seats and yet nobody was unable to sit with their partners / children. Just make sure you get to the airport to check in nice and early.

Offline Lesley

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2013, 01:53:57 PM »
I was discussing this post with a friend of mine who is a senior manager at Jet2 Holidays and although he doesn't work for Jet2 airlines he said he was going to look into this and find out whom to contact so I will get a contact email and see if this helps at all.
However his thoughts as mine is that it is a Thomson/Tui package and they should be responsible for all parts of the package they have sold otherwise it is not a package holiday but components packaged.  However let me see and will post as soon as he has found out.


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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2013, 05:27:32 PM »
Lesley you legend!!!!

I've just emailed them at Thomsons to see what they say

I'm not racist in the slightest and these guys in Delhi speak better English than I can Indian but something does get lost in translation!!!

I like being nearer the front of a plane (hate the engine noise further back and you usually get your drinks quicker!!) and I dont want to risk being split up


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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2013, 05:29:58 PM »
I've also just noticed that if I'd have booked direct with Jet2 we'd have got 22kg luggage allowance each!!
So I've booked with Thomsons and I only get 15kg (with the option of paying for more) despite going on a Jet2 flight

Disgraceful rip off merchants

Offline Rover

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2013, 02:31:32 PM »
You seem to have a raw deal here Gavlah. I have 20kg hold and 5kg hand baggage allowance, but it is a Thomson flight.I have to admit that this was all "up front" when I booked, so no complaint.

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2013, 09:31:12 PM »
Same here Rover, booked with Thomsons through First Choice and got the same allowance, 22 and 5.
Hi Gav, hope you get it sorted and have a good holiday. Am still managing to get up the hill to the Romanza. 15th till the 29th july.
Sorry forgot to say it is a Thomson flight from Newcastle.


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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2013, 10:53:08 PM »
Right....... swapped a couple of emails with Thomsons and basically they dont know what they are doing!!!

First email back said that as they'd subcontracted the flight to Jet2 I couldnt pick actual seats but could pay to ensure we get sat together

I emailed back pointing out that at no point during the booking did it give me the option to pay for reserved seating.

Someone else from Thomsons mailed me back to say that it was impossible to pay for seats together and suggest I contact Jet2

I've been informed by someone in 'the trade' today that Thomsons wont actually pay Jet2 for the flight until a week before so as far as Jet2 are concerned....... at the moment...... we dont exist!!!!

Offline Rover

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2013, 10:54:16 AM »
Oh dear! You have a contrract with Thomson, and they have not offered seat reservation. The seats are presumably already reserved with another carrier (Jet2 in this case). (When Thomson pay for these is not relevant.) I am not an expert, but would suggest you keep hold of the mail saying you should contact Jet2, contact them, but get to the check in as early as you can. I guess that you will be dealing with Jet2 staff, or the airport check in staff. Either way, I bet they will be sympathetic to your request for adjacent seating!
Good luck!

Offline Lesley

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2013, 03:15:18 PM »
I would also copy & paste the email and send it to Jet2 airlines for their comment on the situation oncer I get a name/contact from my pal as above.

Offline swedebasher

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Re: Bloody Thomsons....... again!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2013, 06:40:20 PM »
Save an extra Ł40 on April - Oct 2013 holidays. Use discount code 34326

Found this on the Thomson website today!!
The Sopranos-la miglior serie in TV mai.
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