The weather around outer west London is usually the warmest in the UK, with lower rainfall and snow overall throughout.
There is no smog Jim and we have Air quality testing stations all over which show that it's not too bad at all, compared to some of the more industrial towns.
People love whatever they grow up with and are used to. Work is plentiful.....
And yes - if I sold my 3 bedroom house and moved north, I could have a 5 bed detached for the same money, but that's not everything in life....
The downside to living near London is that a lot of the residents are the crap of Europe and many other places whose only desire is to re-create the crap they were used to.
That's why such a huge surge of people have moved away to other towns and cities where England still exists in a more recogognisable form, rather than a bland form of "Cosmopolita".
I intend to follow this trend before too long as well.....