swedebasher - Sure - it goes to the border agencies eventually, but it's the carrier who is holding the information.
lilly - The Thomson page for this has consistently refused to accept our identification. This is for two trips this year. As I said earlier, I had to hang on for about half an hour to do this by phone. I'm not exactly computer illiterate - I program the things!
The airlines are not required to, and almost certainly don't, transmit this information until check-in is complete. The carriers can't request this information until it's less than 28 days before travel. They must delete it 48 hours after arrival. That leaves the interesting problem of getting home, where there appears to be no such requirement.
This is a mess. The airlines are NOT required to do this under the EU Directive, except before departure, which means check-in time. When the friendly person at the desk sticks your passport under the scanner I am pretty sure that if you're on a no-fly list you'll soon be surrounded by Special Branch officers and AK47s or equivalent.
It's still entirely possible to turn up at an airport 2 hours before a plane takes off, buy a ticket, and fly. Where does API fit into this? We have a right, as EU citizens, to treat aeroplanes like taxis.
You fill in (if it will let you!) your passport number, DOB, and other useful information for identity thieves. This stuff is really not safe.
All I am asking for is an absolutely clear definition of our status.